
Jan 14, 2010 17:11

1. take a screenshot of your desktop.
2. take a screenshot of your media player (if you have one up).
3. take a screenshot of another program you have up.
4. pick a tab you have up & take a screenshot of it.
5. you're not allowed to change anything before the screenshot.


Too much awesome.


I live in that playlist lately.


Very interesting. ¬_¬ I don't have any programs up now for some reason.


No tabs either, apparently. Jumping MSN-thing wins tho.

I'm leaving for London on Saturday, and I can't say I look much forward to it. No idea why. It'll be fun. And I'll finally get to spend some time with my cousin. She's like... my second mom when I'm around her. I have to pack. >___>

london, meme

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