Providing info for my readers

Feb 23, 2016 08:25

A number of folks reading my last post have expressed concern about certain issues that diabetes can cause in men that I described in the piece.  Though I initially refused to discuss which parts of the piece were or weren't true, so many folks expressed shock at the physiological issues I listed that I figured I should clarify the matter.

So, in a nutshell: Yes, diabetes can cause all the physical problems that I described in my piece.  However, generally speaking the level of these problems are directly related to how well the patient keeps their blood sugar under control over the long term -- the better the patient does in that regard, the fewer problems they tend to experience.  Also, I have read that the "little blue pills" usually will help diabetic men with the issue I focus on... but by the same token, those pills should not be taken with many medications prescribed to treat cardiac issues and severe high blood pressure (as also mentioned in my piece); the two types of medication interact in a fashion that has caused fatalities.

So: If you're a diabetic, keep a close watch on your blood sugar levels and do what's necessary to keep it under control.  In the long run that's the smartest thing you can do.  The better you take care of yourself, the better off you'll be.
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