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murielle February 21 2016, 18:45:32 UTC
Whither this is true, or fictitious, it is a) excellently written, and b) damned brave.

Again, whither fact or fiction, I am old enough to recall the ruse used by the girl in high school. I was far too shy and self-conscious to use it myself, but it's the kind of maneuver we would discuss. Though, for my generation, and recollection, it was junior high, not high school. It is so freaking hard to read people when half the time they are being who they think they are "supposed" to be rather than who they are.

As for the woman who was living vicariously through her co-workers...weird. I have often told my friends and family I live vicariously through them, but I tell them. It usually comes up when they apologize for monopolizing the conversation, and I tell them not to worry about it, because listening to them is the only life I have, we laugh about it, but for many years it was largely true. But they also knew I loved them, and I knew they loved me--it makes a difference. Maybe I had a horrible work-life, but I can't recall ever having the time to spend that kind of time listening to people's adventures while on the job.

You know, I just realized what a fantastic writer you are, and how completely invested I'm becoming in what you've written.

Kudos! Very well done. ( And I'm stopping now because I've embarrassed myself.) 😊


ellakite February 22 2016, 01:54:20 UTC
You know, I just realized what a fantastic writer you are, and how completely invested I'm becoming in what you've written.

There's a small part of me that's slightly miffed at how you're only just realizing that now... but only a very small part. ;)

Seriously though: I am deeply honored and flattered by your comments. Thank you so much.


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