Nov 02, 2015 20:47
I'm suffering from a bit of indigestion right now. I'm hoping it's just an issue with what I ate for lunch, as the next most likely alternative is that I'm coming down with the flu. I did get a flu shot earlier this season, but they make the vaccine based on last year's flu virus. As such, if an entirely new/different strain of the flu is floating around this year then the vaccine based on last year's bug really won't offer any protection. Admittedly, I don't feel feverish at all (and that's a hopeful sign), but on the other hand I was sneezing quite a bit for the last few days. I originally thought that my allergies were acting up as I had no fever, but now I'm not so sure what to think. Mind you, I'm not in such poor health that a bout of the flu is likely to lay me up in the hospital... but the last time I had the flu I was utterly and completely miserable for 3 days straight -- high fever, body aches so bad that I couldn't sleep at all... and trust me, you do *NOT* want me to describe the worst symptoms I suffered. Mind you, that all happened about 15 years ago, but it was such a horrible experience that I dread the thought of coming down with the flu again.
Well, I'm going to try to think positive to try and counteract my physical symptoms: I had a very productive day at work, and I got a couple of text messages from my eldest nephew this afternoon thanking me profusely for my generous wedding gift... and he took the time to do this while he and his new bride are off honeymooning in Hawaii! (There's a very good reason why I'm known as "Uncle Moneybags" in my family!) And my eldest nephew is going into pharmacology, so if I really needed to I could at least consult him regarding the best medications to alleviate the symptoms of influenza... but hopefully I won't need to do that any time soon...
Anyway, let me try to relax. We'll see how I feel in the morning...
100 days of lj