100 DAYS OF LJ -- DAY 66

Aug 24, 2015 21:11

My godson Ian should have received his laptop today, though I'm still waiting for confirmation that he actually picked it up.  I've also been reminded that his biological father is legally obligated to pay for half of Ian's college educational expenses, though the man is notorious for disputing every damned dime.  Still, the upshot of all this is that I may actually get reimbursed for at least part of the cost of the laptop.

I still haven't put "ass in chair" to do any writing, but ideas have been percolating... and one particular idea has been running through my head for a couple of weeks now, but I'm not sure whether I've got the nerve to "make it canon" : In my saga, I've never really explored exactly how The Big Bad "corrupted" Corey's people to induce them to rebel against their own gods.  Well, I came up with an idea for the specific "nature" of the corruption... and at least to my mind, it makes a *LOT* of sense.  The thing is that the few "real world" religions that I'm familiar with that make any mention of this particular form of "corruption" don't consider it to be a bad thing in and of itself.  Indeed, some religions consider it to be a "divine trait", and perhaps the single greatest "gift" that The Divine Power(s) ever bestowed upon humanity.  So to call this "gift" a "form of corruption" may turn a *LOT* of readers off...

saga, godson, 100 days of lj, notes

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