Nov 16, 2012 18:54
I was born and raised in San Diego, California. People think that I'm crazy for moving to Baltimore. Sometimes I believe them, but for different reasons. They call me crazy because I moved from the ideal 75-and-sunny-all-the-time climate to this odd mix of north and south that I'm not quite certain what to name as of yet. I think I'm crazy because I left all of my friends for this, not to mention my cats.
And yet, I don't regret it at all. Of course there are moments of homesickness--times when I miss the warm sun on my face, or when I miss being just a quick drive away from my friend's house, times when I miss being able to go home and cuddle my cats. But I think that's part of growing up, part of becoming an adult, even if I don't feel like one yet. And hopefully, I never really will "feel" like an adult.
I have a steady job at a wonderful salon, working with awesome people. There is stress, but that comes with any job. Most of all, I'm just hoping to make new friends. However, my odd work hours and the fact that I've never made friends outside of a school environment makes that difficult.
I don't go to parties or social events. Where do people make new friends across the country? I've never moved this far before. Is it as simple as a hello in a coffee shop?