Aug 19, 2009 23:21
I have done nothing this week. I woke up on Sunday with a horrendously swollen and sore tonsil, and foolishly tried to continue life as normal. I have since seen the doctor, who grounded me. I've been eating pudding and sorbet, reading books with demons in them (by Marjorie M. Liu), and watching whatever DH decides to put on the TV or laptop. This has mostly been anime, but we also included "Gray Matters" "Dragonball Evolution" and "DragonHunter". Oh, and some 70's tv show about time traveling.
In other news, the trio of kittens we were fostering (but not the Mama or the 'lil guy) have gone back to the shelter for their spay/neuter ops. I'll misss the little terrors, but I was ready for a break.
I get to go back to work tomorrow, just in time for the first day of our new computer system. And I still haven't had more than 15 minutes of training on it. Yay.
I want my darn Massage Therapy license. The state has had all of the info they need for at least 3 weeks now, and I have not heard a peep. I am impatient. Mostly because I want out of the Pharmacy. It is trying to give me an ulcer.