Because Dan Molesky told me too...

Nov 02, 2005 17:00

...I guess it's time for an update.

We'll start off with the good news. Today my Physical Science Professor announced what his curve was going to be in regards to the 56% class average...he's taking that 56% and making anything within 5% a B! I went from thinking I might have to drop to having a B. I was so happy I could dance...In fact, I'm still dancing...won't you join me?

The party last weekend went pretty was great to see everyone. There were a ton of people here I didn't know, mostly from the marching band, and I enjoyed mingling about. Dwyer even got a keg...which we emptied the flat and warm remains of into the sink last night...

Today Bogin, Rinckey, and I resigned the lease on the apartment for next year...which means we won't have to haul out shit home over the summer...huzzah!

Alright...time for a rant...

Today marks one year since the presidential election. My ideology took a punch to the face a year ago today...but strangely enough, things are looking up. The past few weeks the Bush Administration has literally been falling apart. With the indictment of Scoter Libby and investigation of Karl Rove, the indictment of Tom Delay and investigation of Bill Frist...the top republicans in the House and Senate, the failed conformation of Harriet Meiers, the way in which the hurricane was handled in New Orleans, and Bush's complete inability to get anything done...I think more and more Americans may finally be starting to realize what a mistake it was to ever elect this man...

With his approval ratings somewhere around 39%, I think that the Democrats may have the chance to take back the House and Senate and this time next year. I know it's a year away...but I can hope...

Anyway, I have yet another exam tomorrow...That will be #4 for the week and still have one more on I best get back to studying...
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