Feb 19, 2005 23:42
This is a recent update but not... I can't possibly put everything all on one post thing so I will post a large chunk now and then in MARCH I will post the rest. Knowing my life, nothing extra exciting will happen anytime soon...
In Milan. Dec 2nd, 2004
I have to go do this stupid thing tomorrow in Milan and as I haven't been right in Metropolitan Milan since I was 4, I didn't really know what to expect. Let's just say... Not this... I got a smack in the face when I got off the train (it was probably the gust of brownish air) and stepped on Milanese soil (cement); it is so polluted. I know people don't usually remember much from when they were little but I know that Milan was not like this 14 years ago. It's so sad.
I am eating 21,000 year old pasta that I found in a dark crevice in the very back of a kitchen cabinet (my Nonno is here once a year so there is never food). It is surprisingly good for the fact that it says 'Best Before 110 B.C.' (I have to admit that that is a lie). I am drinking tap water in a green glass so that I can pretend that the glass is what is giving the water that murky green tinge. Ironically enough, this is one of the best areas in Milan, I hate to think of the colour of the water in the less fortunate Milan residences. I've resigned to the fact that the pasta is gross and the water is probably lethal. C'est vraiment tres, tres triste.
I attended the second English class of my university life and I am now certain that the prof hates me. I only attend English once every 2 months because it is silly that I stay there, I only waste time because I know when I should use 'that' instead of 'which' and 'i before e except after c'. My problem is learning anatomy in Italian for when I'll have to translate in Italian a page written in English. Anywho, I made a total fool out of myself when I had the word 'however' on the tip of my tongue and everyone was waiting for me to answer (when no-one can answer, ie. most of the time, she always asks me to respond and as it is grade two stuff for us, it is never a problem). Here is how I know she hates me: she was translating the instuctions of an assignment in Italian and even though she is an English teacher, she teaches in Italy and therefore should know how to speak Italian, well she doesn't, and so she asked me to explain it but 'fill in the blanks' doesn't exist in Italian so when I said I didn't know how to say it, she said, "Oh dear, it seems as though I've chosen the wrong person for the job." WTF? How DARE she speak to ME in such a fashion(...manner...thing)! I will not stand for this rubbish, not even for an instant. If she can't explain it, she shouldn't permit herself take such liberties as to mock me thusly! How you like them British vocabulary apples?! Let's see Mrs. QueenElizabethWannaBe beat that! Her and her incorrect way to say 'h' and 'vitamins'. Plus: she didn't even know how to translate it!
In Milan. Dec. 3rd, 2004
I saw Johnny Depp's twin. He was the bartender at the place where I went to eat breakfast this morning. I ate really slowly and oggled him as frequently as possible. My, my, was he ever yummy! I didn't want to leave. I had to contemplate what I had just seen... It made me think, I want a boyfriend, but boyfriends are sort of like knapsacks... Sure they can carry heavy things and on occasion they can be useful, but they take up space, get old, ruined and they are a burden to take around. I would feel awfully guilty oggling Johnnys twin had I not been single...
In Jail. Dec 7th, 2004
I just had my stats exam and I am doomed to fail...
I finally think the Ciro Tales are done and done. I told him straight out that it made me uncomfortable that he kept begging me to go out with him. He was like, "Oh, I didn't know, sorry... We can just be friends then, okay?" WHAT?! Is that not what I had been saying from the beginning? Boys are stupid! Throw rocks at them!
In Varese. Dec 9th, 2004
I got here yesterday and I am having fun and being consoled over the shock that came in the form of my stats exam. I am staying with family friends, and their kids Andrea (Italian Andrew), 19 and Francesca, 22 have been appointed the task of humoring me. Andrea is always out so I haven't seen much of him, he lives with his girlfriend in Milan. Francesca, on the otherhand, was stuck to me like glue and we did everything together. I am here until the 13th and my schedule is as follows:
Today: Just hang around
Tomorrow: Go out with Francie, Luca (Italian Luke), 28 and the guy from Napoli, around 30
Day after tomorrow: Go to Francie's concert (she sings in a Gospel choir)
Day after the day after tomorrow: Just hang around
Day after the day after the day after tomorrow: Go home
In Varese. Dec 10th, 2004
Got back from today's plans and it is now 2:30 am... We went for a drink (Moi, Francie, Luca and the guy from Napoli) and I got my usual (Peach vodka with orange juice). The guy from Napoli only talked to me in English, it was pretty cool because I found out that he worked at the Price Chopper right near my house when he visited Toronto for 3 months 10 years ago. What are the odds? Afterwards we headed over to this winery 1 million kms from the bar we were at. At the winery we met some other people who sing with Francie and this group of Americans (from L.A) called M-Pact. There are 6 of them and they sing completely a capella. They are going to be at the concert tomorrow. One was missing as he was supposedly taking a nap back at the hotel. Anna-Lisa (one of the girls who sings with Francie) claims he is the hottest. Moses it feels good to speak English again! Just because I don't know them too well, I must make up aliases for them... K, all evening I talked to Dude (because he says that a lot) and MM (married man, because he is one). They are cool and did I mention that MOSES IT FEELS GOOD TO SPEAK ENGLISH AGAIN!!!!!!!!! So yeah, I had fun and now I am going to bed...
Ciro sent me a message saying he missed me and wanted to see me. I didn't even dignify the message with an answer.
In Varese. Dec 11th, 2004
T'was the day of the concert and all through the theatre,
Every creature was singing, except for sir Peter...
I just got home from the concert and I am lilting around on my little cloud of teenage infatuation... *girly sigh*
Here is how the night went...
Francie had to attend the dress rehearsal at 4:00pm. From 4:00-8:00 I just hung around singing parts of songs I knew (they were all in English), getting to know random people and scouting the American boys for a chance to speak English. I didn't need to do much scouting, they all sort of just came to me. One in particular, we shall call him Male Labrador ('Labrador Maschio' in Italian) or ML because when he told me his name I was about to comment, "You know, that's a really common name for a male labrador, one of Corbies brothers is named that!"; I stopped myself just in time, but Francie and I called him that from that point on. So yeah, he came to sit beside me and talked to me a whole lot. He told me I had really pretty eyes and pretty hair and random things like that... The best part of it all was that there was not a single word in any other langauge but English! I think he is thirty and Francie told me that the last time they were in Italy he did her friend. Oh well, me being done by anyone is out of the question, there isn't even the faintest shadow of a doubt about that. Then I saw the one who had been missing yesterday at the winery and um.... Wow. When I first saw him, he was a little far away and I thought he was just an average guy, then he came to talk to us and HELLO! [I have your voice on record... Uh, hello. Uh, hello. Uh, hello]. He is tall and lean and has dark Orli-like hair and almost black eyes. He also just has this subtle constantly seductive way of looking at you. We shall call him Simon. He got this name when we (Francie, him and moi) had finished our conversation and he had left and we realized he hadn't even told us his name. I was like, "Well, he looks like a Simon, but he is sort of a Chico Latino seeing as he is from Venezuela, so he might also be a Carlos. Buuuuuuuuut... He lived most of his life in the U.S and he is pretty light skinned... I think he shall henceforth be known as Simon" That and the fact that I heard ML call him and I HATE his name!! It's so bad I don't even want to say it. In Italian it isn't any better, really. So yeah, at 9:30ish the concert started and it finished at around 12:30ish... It was a lot of fun. M-Pact was awesome and you had to see Simon... He was dressed in a black suit with a red shirt underneath, he looked really good. He also has an amazing voice. He had a couple of solos and there were times when he would do a little dance and he dances well, too. As soon as the concert finished I went out to the main lobby where M-Pact was signing autographs. Francie and I were talking to Simon and at one point he stared at me for a little while and was like, "You know who you look like? What's her name? Um... Jennifer Connely! That's it! She's so hot." I turned every shade of red before settling on a very unappealing beet-tomato colour. Soon we (Moi, Francie, M-Pact, some of Francies closer friends) were all gathered in a large group and we decided to go out for dinner (may I add that it was 1:00am...?) So yeah, we organized groups into various cars to transport M-pact, their singing stuff and some other people to the pizzeria (Francie was one of the drivers) and I devised a plan to have Simon in the same car as us... I didn't really have to put the plan into motion as he sort of put his arm around me and asked if he could join our carpool group. In the end, it was Francie, moi, ML, Simon and Dude. Dude sat upfront with Francie and ML and Simon in the back with me. Simon sat in the middle and he kept stroking my hair and at one point he was like,
"So, what year are you in?"
I answered, "First year university"
he was [obviously] like, "So, you're 19?"
me, "18"
Here it comes... the surprised gasp...
silence, then, "Oh, well, that's still okay..."
ML said something but I didn't catch it and Simon just hit him and said, "Shut up!"
Um... Still okay for what?? How old is he?
The rest of the ride was uneventful and we all clambered out of the car and into the pizzeria as fast as possible as ML claimed he was going to seriously faint from hunger.
We were the first ones there and when other people started to arrive Francie and I realized that Anna-Lisa (the one that told us that Simon, 'the hottest one', was taking a nap at the hotel yesterday at the winery) was glaring at me. The reason was only too obvious. Francie then told me that she (Anna) had mental problems and that she spread a rumor that Simon had done her 3 times... I wondered if it was true, he travels a lot and is seldom home so it is difficult to have a girlfriend and he probably tries with every girl (which as to be true because he can't seriously like me, there are thin, Italian speaking girls who are also closer to his age, and he goes for me... What are the chances?) Anywho, she isn't that pretty but if she offered him 'services', I'm pretty sure he'd accept... But yeah, she also said that she had finished highschool with an average of 99% when, in truth, she had failed their equivalent of our OAC. I just hope the first was as much of a lie as the second. So yeah, I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat, good thing, too, because Dude kept making impressions of the people sitting behind us and it was way too funny. I really wish I had a videocamera because I was going to pee myself from how hysterical the whole thing was. When everyone had finished eating, we all went to chat just outside the pizzeria and Simon was just standing there with no-one to talk to so I went over to him and looked up at him (he is seriously tall) and was like, "hi" in my little shy voice. He smiled ever so prettily and said, "You're so shy, that's really cute". Ehehehe! We talked about random things and then everyone clambered back into the cars they had come out of, ML had disappeared into another car so it was Dude and Francie in the front and Simon and I in the backseat... Ooooooooh-er. The space both of us took up in the back seat was probably a little more than one seat; he was practically sitting on my lap... Well, actually, vice-versa to be quite honest... But I was so comfy and warm! He had both arms around me and we were just talking... The conversation topic was a little jdfljsldfst, but just being there, all comfy and warm, was nice. We walked around the city a bit, Francie laughing with Dude, while Simon and I, arm in arm while he teased me incessantly because I had told him that LOTR was my favourite movie and that Elijah Wood was hot. He also teased me every time I giggled.
We then drove them to the hotel room and Simon kept insisting I go with him to his room. I was considering going with Francie to just chill there and maybe watch a late night movie, but Francie said that if I accepted that he would think I had the same thing in mind as him. I then realized what she meant... I seriously need to start using my head a little more, that's all I'm going to say...
I just kept looking up at him and saying that I needed a ride home and that I couldn't stay the night because I was a guest at a friends house and plus tomorrow we needed to get up early if we wanted to make it to their concert in Milan tomorrow afternoon. There was a moment of silence where we just looked at eachother and he said, "Don't give me those cute puppy eyes. They're too sexy" I smiled up at him and just then Francie called me and 15 seconds later we were in the car and on our way home...
I am not going to give all the gory details, but I WILL say that he just had to be satisfied with a goodnight kiss. Yes, fine, it was on the lips. What's the fun if you don't tease a little...? Why does he have to be so nice and sweet to me? And why does he have to always have that seductive look? It constantly makes me think that he actually likes me!
It is now 4:00am but I can't sleep... I shouldn't make such a big problem over this, I will be back at home in 2 days and I will probably never see him again, he doesn't really like me, and even if he did, there are all the reasons in the world why it would be an impossible relationship, all of which don't matter in the any case because he doesn't even really like me!
In Varese, Dec. 12th, 2004
It is now 5:00pm and we just got home from the brunch concert thing. M-pact invited us and after they had finished singing we all went to talk and stuff, basically like yesterday. Anna-Lisa is still evilly glaring at me and I think her face may just have permanently contorted into that shape...
Simon was all happy that Francie and I were there and he walked around the jazz-club thing signing autographs with me under one arm and Francie under the other. After a little while, everyone jumped into random cars and we all headed home. Dude and ML where in the car with Francie and I. Simon was supposed to be with us, but when he went to talk to their personal tour-guide, Anna snatched him up into the car she was in! I logically couldn't say anything because I didn't want to make a fuss and so I had to deal with ML undressing me with his eyes for the hour and a half car ride home! We decided to meet up again later that night.
At Home, Dec. 13th, 2004
Yesterday evening was a drunken blast! We had so much fun and you should really never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Basically, at 8ish, we left to go to that same winery from a couple of days ago. Everyone got there and we ordered mojitos all 'round except for me, I won't stray far from my norm (the ol' peach vodka and orange juice) and the Swedish-Italian boy, he got straight vodka. We'll call him Berries, just because he's Swedish. There was also a British-Italian boy! We shall call him Charles-Ol'-Chap, just because he's British. Word from the mojito drinkers was that the drinks were really strong. Once everyone had finished, we were all a little tipsy, myself slighty more than everyone else as I had trouble walking in a straight line. Everyone just talked and laughed. I was talking to Francie the whole time and at one point we had finished the conversation, 5 seconds later she looks at me and goes, "Well, if you think about it, horseback riding really does look like you're...", before she could even finish the sentence I (for some unfathomable reason) found myself responding, "Well, you see, it's like this: at the walk, you sort of move side to side, at the sitting trot, you move side to side really fast, at the posting trot you do move up and down, so yeah, but it really does look like a very different activity when you do sitting canter!" Since when do I advocate talk of sex and horseback riding?
There was this 5-minute lapse of time where I was really dazed, I couldn't see straight and it was really weird. I could hear really well, though. And I heard Francie telling Simon the rumor that Anna had spread! He got soooooo mad!! I honestly didn't think he'd care too much, but he was so totally pissed!! From that moment on he totally hated her and kept making really snide remarks from time to time. Well, if there was an competition in the beginning in my little get-Simon game, it's been totally ebolished... When the smoke stopped coming out of his ears, Francie also told Simon that Anna just really liked him, and that was her way of scaring other girls off. She also didn't fail to mention who else liked him... In my drunken stupor, I didn't really care, though. I don't even really care now, I simply pretended I wasn't paying attention. It's not like I didn't make it completely obvious before, anyway.
When I had some semblance of control over my feet, and was thoroughly annoyed at being stared at by ML, I went to join Francie, Charles-Ol'-Chap and Berries in the cigar room. Then something strange happened, I sat down and looked to my right and saw ML smoking a cigar... But he was just out there... What? No-one looks like him at all, and he was sitting right beside me when I got up and... How?... I just looked at him for a moment and then decided to talk to Charles-Ol'-Chap. Ehehehe! British accents are fun! Berries and Francie were totally hitting it off and it was so cute because she's been playing big sister these past days, giving me advice and stuff, and here she was shyly flirting with Berries! If you read that last part, it sounds a little funny... shyly flirting with berries... So yeah, we stayed in there a little and then Simon came to call us and we all left. We all piled into random cars, this time it was only Francie and me in her car, and we all met up again infront of their hotel. I had to pee and during the whole car ride and the 50 meter sprint to the hotel washroom, I kept saying (in a rather loud voice) "I have to pee like a horse!" In both English and Italian. Then when I had peed, I needed to throw up... But a horse's anatomy doesn't permit it to vomit, so I started saying "I have to throw up like a dog..." in both English and Italian again. Berries and Francie were on the ground laughing. When Berries regained some of his former composure, he said, "I have to crap like an elephant..." And there we were again, laughing like mad... Anna-Lisa and a friend were across the street and every once in a while they would look at us, ML and Charles-Ol'-Chap were in Charles' car, listening to music, Simon, Berries, Francie and I were all standing around the car talking. Everyone else had disappeared. Then Simon decided he really wanted to piss Anna off and he jumped on- and pretended to make out with- me. I was caught off guard and if he didn't have me in a vice-like bear-hug, I would have fallen over. I sort of stood there, half playing along, half wondering what the hell was happening. Then Berries and Simon started having this deep conversation about music and Francie and I were sort of like, lalalalala, look at the stars... Pretty... There's what'shisname's-belt... Ooooooooh....... Do you see the spoon in the air? It's really a bear named Dipper... When we had named all the stars in the sky (Quick, Quock, Quack, Belt and Dipper, as everyone knows there are only 5 stars in the sky), we had nothing to do. So, logically, what's better than a good game of 'Truth or Dare'? Exactly. I went first, and I dared Francie to wet willy Simon and at the same time point to the air and say, "E.T phone home" (she said it in Italian, E.T telefono casa). She actually did it! We burst out laughing while Simon just looked at us with a semi-disgusted look on his face. AHAHAHAHAHA! For a while, Simon sat in the car with ML and Charles-Ol'-Chap and listened to music while random nonsense shot out of my mouth. At one point I distinctly remember mentioning that horses turn into goats in the winter time. I was serious, but not that they actually transform, just that they become excessively hairy and fat. Berries just looked at me and was like, "was I the only one who heard what she just said?" As you can tell, I wasn't completely awake, and at one point Simon jumps out of the car and grabs me and says, in a really urgent voice that Anna has a gun and he thinks she is about to shoot us. I looked at him in sheer terror (I didn't even think to ask myself if he was joking, or why a 20 year old girl would have a firearm permit) and dashed to Francie who was 3 meters away and said, I swear I was about to cry from the fear, "We have to go! Now! Anna has a gun and mental problems, she also hates us right now!" Then all of a sudden, laughter burst out from all around me and well, yeah, they had totally got me. I turned beet-red and looked indignantly at them. When it was tiiiiiiiiime toooooooooooooo say gooood-byyyyyyyyyyye, Simon obviously started the 'come to my room with me' thing, only this time he was really persistent! Obviously I didn't, though. On the way home, Francie and I made up words to various songs playing in her car.