(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 16:25

So...the internet has basically exploded with the whole "Dumbledore is gay" thing. From all sides. I think it should have collapsed on itself by now. First, the fundies are at it for the obvious, and the fans that are happy about it for the obvious, but there are also people who are ripping JKR a new one for "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE TOLD US THIS BEFORE OMG DEATH TO THE WOMAN."

Um...guys, have you ever read -- or more importantly, written...anything fictional before? Because this sort of shit gets left out all the time.

When did we know anything about this Dumbledore's personal life? Next to nothing. And what we did find out, we found out via other people. When we actually see a walking talking Dumbledore, he's a product of Harry's nearly-dead imagination basically just repeating what Aberforth told him. And my guess, if you look at the time period when Dumbledore would have had this boy crush (early twentieth century, remember?) no one would have known this shit. He was obviously in the closet about it, never went into it much, and his first great love ended in heartbreak. So how would anyone know this? Why on earth would you expect this fact to be in the books? Seriously. There was no place for it. If she had put it in, she would have had to rework the entire focus of the book to be something that focused on gay rights, in which case most readers, even the liberals ones, would have had to say "What the shit, woman? Isn't Voldemort killing someone right now?"

Also, let us not forget that these are CHILDREN'S books. I don't mean in the sense that we have to hide homosexuality from kids, not at all, but honestly...what adult romances are in there at all? Tonks/Remus, which JKR admits was the means to the orphaned child end, Harry's parents which you kind of can't ignore, and a dash of Hagrid/Madame Maxine. That's about it. I don't really...care what Dumbledore wants to do behind closed doors, be they closet or bedroom. I don't want to know. He's mad old, please do not include those details.

So basically, Internet...calm down. In the end, it's fiction, and JKR did not get into this for it to be a gay rights statement.
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