Apr 24, 2013 00:04
Ah... It has been a while (okay, a long long time) since a posted an entry here.
I have been really busy (read: lazy) to open up my laptop. Now I'm in the middle of my final assignment semester, so most of my work is in laboratory and I don't have to open my laptop as much as before. I using this 'precious' time before graduation to enjoy watching my favorite channel: FOX, because who knows what will come to me after my graduation? Maybe I will have no time to being lazy anymore. But an 'accident' happen. One of tools in the laboratory is broken and I have to wait for it to be repaired. While waiting I have nothing, absolutely nothing to do. So I come again to my laptop.
Early in this April my friend showed me Kyary's PV Ponponpon but I don't really like it even though it makes me smile. Because K-Pop is everywhere now and knowing one of J-Pop is starting to shine out makes me happy. I have no ill feeling towards K-Pop but of course if something I love also being loved by someone else I will feel happy. Okay, back to Kyary. Still at that week, my little sister showed me Kyary's PV Furisodeshon and Ninjyari Bang Bang (forgive me if I wrote it wrong) and I like it. Her songs stuck in my head and while I have nothing to do, I try to watch more of her PVs, watching her live shows, and listen to her songs. And finally I fall in love with her.
There are many things I love about Kyary, but I can summarize it in one sentence: because she is so Japan. Why? First, because she is super cute and believe me, cute girl (one more time, CUTE, not pretty nor sexy but cute) like her, only Japan has. There are so many beautiful and elegant lady in this world, but Japanese girls is the cutest and Kyary is the cutest girl in Japan. Second, her high voice (or pitch? whatever) is also one of Japanese cuteness signature. And this cute voice is not made up so it's very stable during her whole performances. Third, her unique style is also scream out Japan. People can call her Japan's Lady Gaga but I don't think it really describe her uniqueness. Kyary is more like doll even in her PV Fashion Monster while Lady Gaga is more like uhm... monster. Kyary is cute so colorful things suits her best. Fourth, she is the living prove that girl can be attractive without emitting sexual aura. These days when girls use mini and tight clothes to be sexy so she can attract boys, Kyary uses clothes that cover most of her body and still can attract boys, girls, men, and women. And when girlbands or artists dance sexy dances that involving hip and chest movement, her dance mainly is hand movement and still attractive.
But above all, I personally like her because she is my dream. She is what I want to be: I love using lolita dresses, I want to look cute rather than pretty, and I like do odd things. BUT, I don't have any nerve to do it. I'm afraid people will said that it doesn't suit me or said I'm weird and avoid me. I try really hard to hide it when I meet new people. Just after I know them and become their friend I slowly reveal it, but only do odd things part. I know I'm not cute at all, but I like to wear cute things. That's why she inspire me. This world has so many people with so many thoughts and opinions. Some of them may don't like me but I believe there will be people that also support me and love me for who I am.