Outlander 3x02 reaction post!

Sep 17, 2017 22:21

Posted this on ontd_sassenach and thought I might as well share it here in case any of you watch Outlander. Feel free to post your own comments on the episode as well :) Id love to discuss it.

[Spoiler (click to open)]What an episode! I admit I wasn't looking forward to seeing Jamie and Claire having sex with other people, but actually didn't bother me too much. I ended up feeling a little sorry for Frank actually because he really wants Claire and Claire is just using him because he's there. It wasn't sexy even though Claire was into it. I thought it was a good constrast to how different Claire was with Frank in the past before she time traveled and met Jamie.

Oh Jamie :( I really commend Sam's acting this season so far. He portrays Jamie's despair really well. I liked Mary and while I'm obviously a Claire/Jamie shipper, I understood why he slept with her. It was so sad though.

Oh Fergus! Poor lad! I'm glad I was spoiled otherwise I would have reacted so emotionally. I mean I did anyway, but I wasn't crying 😭 I really liked the scene between him and Jamie and how he brought Jamie out of his funk.

Jenny - while I didn't like her suggesting Jamie move on and marry someone else, I get her reasoning. She wants her brother to be happy and she knows he would be an amazing father. Also, she was great at lying about her baby dying though I'm certain the Red Coats didn't completely believe her. And I cried when she "gave" Jamie up to the Red Coats.

The only thing I felt missing was the lead up to Claire joining Med School. Sure, we got the voice over explaining how she missed being apart of something bigger, but I would have appreciated more build up. That being said, seeing Claire meet Joe was great! I'm looking forward to seeing her friendship with Joe and her becoming a surgeon.

But God, the ending got me! Hearing the bagpipes and Claire walking towards the man playing to pay him got to me :( It was so subtle but really powerful.

spoilers, reaction post/review, tv show: outlander

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