Mar 21, 2010 16:25
Title: Insomnia [Chapter Six]
Chapter: 6/12
Pairing: Eventual Kyumin, Slight! Yewook, Eunhae, Kangtuek
Genre: Kinda fluffy? A teensy bit of angst
Rating: PG…(just being safe)
Summary: Sungmin remembers last night.
Chapter Six
Sungmin woke up to the smell of vanilla. He opened his eyes and found his arm was wrapped around Kyuhyun’s waist protectively. The memories from last night suddenly flooding back into his head. He quickly removed his arm since Kyuhyun was luckily still asleep. As carefully as he could, Sungmin crawled out of the bed. Sungmin walked into the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth, washed his face, then came back out.
Good he’s still asleep. I can escape.
He quietly opened the bedroom door and walked out into the kitchen. He sat down and rubbed his face with his hands. Ryeowook was in the kitchen cooking. Yesung was behind him with his arms wrapped around Ryeowook’s waist, and his chin on his shoulder. Donghae and Eunhyuk were in the living room. Donghae had his hands laced in Eunhyuk’s as the cuddled together on the couch. Kangin then entered the kitchen carrying a happy Leeteuk on his back.
What the hell?! How come I’m just now noticing how everyone is paired.
I don’t pay attention much do I?
Leeteuk noticed how Sungmin was deep in thought so he spoke.
“Morning Sungmin, what’s up?” Leeteuk asked as Kangin put hum back down on the ground. Sungmin was jolted out of his thoughts, even though he didn’t hear what Leeteuk had said.
“That’s not an answer.” Kangin said as he sat down at the table.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”
“Well that’s clearly obvious. You looked were thinking pretty hard that’s why I said ‘What’s up?’ in the first place.”
“Oh, no I’m fine. I’m still kind of tired. I couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Why not?”
They were staring at him. Sungmin just shrugged. He was definitely NOT going to explain this.
“Breakfast is ready.” Ryeowook and Yesung placed the food on the table. Eunhyuk and Donghae had now sat down at the table, and Donghae started feeding Eunhyuk.
“I’m not hungry.” Sungmin then got up from the table and walked towards his bedroom.
“Are you okay Sungmin?” Ryeowook asked.
“Yeah. I’m just not hungry.” Sungmin walked into his bedroom.
I hate making Ryeowook feel bad, but I don’t feel like eating at all.
He came into the bedroom to find Kyuhyun, once again, at his computer playing Starcraft.
“Min, why aren’t you having breakfast?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked not turning from his game.
“I should ask you the same thing.” But Sungmin already knew the answer: Starcraft.
Kyuhyun paused his game, turned around and spoke.
“Sungmin, I’m leaving in a few days.”
“Why?” Sungmin knew there was a reason, he just couldn’t remember.
“Super Junior M activities. Did you forget?”
Honestly, Sungmin did forget. After all that’s happened, he hasn’t been able to remember anything. He’s been too focused on everything that’s been happening between them. The only thing he manages to think about is Kyuhyun.
“Nice try. I know you forgot. I’m going to be gone for a couple months. Do you think you can survive without me?” Kyuhyun asked jokingly
No. I don’t think I can.
“I’m sure I can manage.” Sungmin said laughing a bit.
“Good.” Kyuhyun smiled and turned back to his computer.
Sungmin’s expression changed to sadness as Kyuhyun turned. He really didn’t want Kyuhyun to leave. He didn’t know why but he was getting sadder just thinking about him leaving.
“Uh, I’m going to shower.” Sungmin said as he walked to the bathroom.
“Yeah.” Kyuhyun mumbled out.
Sungmin turned on the water, stripped off his clothes, and stepped into the shower. He stuck his head under the flow of water to wash away the tears he was silently shedding.
End Chapter Six
A/N: For some reason...I feel I failed at this chapter....T__T.....
rating: pg,