Jul 06, 2007 10:58
*You know, I really have to cultivate some self-discipline if I'm going to keep to my goal of posting every day.
*It's eleven a.m., and I'm still in my jammies. Woot...?
*Nothing much going on today. Must call Fed Ex, again; they have two packages that were supposed to be here on June 18th and have not yet arrived. My patience, she grows thin.
*Ideally, the third LotR movie will be Netflixed to our own very mailbox today. The kids are getting antsy to see how the story ends. I have this odd feeling that they aren't going to be too thrilled with Frodo sailing off to Valhalla (or whatever, details, pfft) at the end.
*We went to the park earlier this week. Oldest wanted to play "Lord of the Rings" with his brother - he went on and on about how "I will be Gandalf, and Mom can be the Despair Lady, and (sister) can be Gollum (hee!), and you can be Frodo, and-"
And his brother cut him off, saying "I can't be Frodo."
Oldest was chagrined. "Why not?"
Middle looked at him as though he was addled. "Because there's no Sam. Frodo can't be Frodo without a Sam."
The best part? Oldest didn't even argue - just shrugged and agreed with him.
*sigh* The fanbabies, they are so wise....
If anyone wants to ask me questions, or play "Marry, Shag, Cliff" (or whatever that game is called), or pass along questions for me to ask the kids, or, you know, anything - that'd be great.
kid quotes,
play with me!,