I am still hoarse from screaming at the television, and I’m so not exaggerating. HOW MUCH DO I LOVE MY SHOW???? So much. Tonight I realized at least part of why I am able to enjoy it as much as I do - I totally turn off my meta filters while I watch. I’m completely absorbed in what’s happening as it’s happening, and if it doesn’t jibe with events that have come before, well then, I just assimilate them as they are retconned. It doesn’t affect my enjoyment, and if that makes me a shallow viewer, you know what? I. Don’t. Care.
That being said - I think an area no one can criticize is the way SV does its parallels. When it gets them, it absolutely nails them - is it possible to have been a fan and NOT be affected by the shot of Lex in the hay, that so closely mirrors the shot of wee!Lex trembling in the cornfield after the first meteor shower? The way Lex was curled up, even the way he was twitching and shaking- it was exact, it was perfect, it couldn’t have been better.
And the ending shots of Metropolis - Metropolis, that no longer looked like the city of tomorrow, but instead was so Gothamesque, in its horror and fiery, hellish lighting, and the mobs of people acting like the crazed animals fine/brainiac accused humans of being.
And! What’s going to happen to Martha, Lois, Lionel, Chloe, and Clark, poor Clark? They can’t kill Lois; I suppose I’ll concede that much to meta-thought, as I simply can’t believe that DC would allow that to happen. As for the others - I don’t think Clark can or would lose his mother so soon after Jonathan’s death. Chloe - Chloe is a maybe, though if she were going to die, I’d like to think it was in a more overtly heroic way. (Though now that I think about it, between her kissing Clark goodbye and telling him that ‘you can’t save everyone,’ maybe she is a goner.) Lionel - whatever else you think of him, he’s proved to be a survivor. It’s probably no coincidence that we so recently had the episode showing him literally walking through fire to remind us of that fact.
Oh, and while we’re talking about Lionel; I know people have had issues with him all of a sudden being on the side of light when he’s done so many truly reprehensible, unforgivable things to the Kents. I can see that, and as a mother, I know I’d be less forgiving than Martha has been with him. However. Based on what he’s discovered - Clark and his powers. The fact that aliens exist and are quite advanced. The fact that this little planet of ours could so easily be destroyed. I think all of those things, plus other things I’m sure I’ve forgotten to list, could conceivably be the impetus for his change from evil. Don’t you think such revelations could make even the blackest of souls do some, well, soul-searching and mind-changing?
I like the idea of Chloe and Lionel teaming up to pull Clark back from the phantom zone - I have to yell here - HOW IS CLARK GOING TO GET OUT OF THE PHANTOM ZONE???!?! Will Lana end up helping?
A road I don’t think they’ll go down is to have this experience, Lana’s experience of having dated the most evil sentient being to ever grace the Earth, to be a catalyst that keeps her in Smallville.
Gah. I’m so excited. I’m so in love with my show. I BOW TO THE MAD ACTING SKILLS OF MICHAEL ROSENBAUM.
I love Smallville; it makes me so happy.