spn summergen

May 31, 2010 13:23

The assignments are out, and I am SOOPER excited about the prompts I received. Two of them are already off and running on the little hamster wheel I call my brain....

For my summergen author: I just re-read my prompts and they are so horribly, awfully picky - I'm so embarrassed! I was more concerned with establishing what I feel I can write so that I don't end up bungling my assignment, and I feel like my prompts have painted you into a corner.

Let me see if I can help at all (though if the prompts I provided did spark an interest, by all means, stop reading now!) I love brotherly interaction; backstory on any and all characters, major or minor; twisty, dark pieces; hurt/comfort; and lighthearted silliness.

Honestly - the fact that you're writing something for ME? Is wonderful and amazing enough all by itself. Thanks for signing up.


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