Sep 09, 2008 23:15
college has made me cut off from the real world. i start actual classes tomorrow and i'm worried i'll lose my first week friends. i'm determined not to. i would have wanted to find peter and emily even if ours wasn't just a convenient friendship.
went to flugtag, the redbull competition where people make homemade flying machines and then send them off a ramp into lake michigan. pregamed. 12 in the afternoon redbull and vodka served from peter's backpack. met my roommate's parents slightly tipsy. they texted her later to tell her they 'love love loved' me.
went to my first college party. got drunk. broke out the hot girl dance right away. got slapped on the ass. yelled at the slapper. got hauled off by peter because i was yelling. was told my lisp was adorable. took silly pictures.
went to my first college pep really. it was a competition between the dorms for most spirited. em and i painted our faces and then painted peter's whole body and face with our handprints. he was one of the dorm kings. we won and now we get a free pizza party. plus i got a free itunes giftcard in the raffle. good times. we meant to pregame it. we realized the mistake in not doing that about ten minutes in. i got texts from emily and peter even though they were sitting next to me that both said, "next time we pregame."
for my discover class i've been to a monastery and the department of public health, and refugee placement center, a clean needle exchange program, the office of public defenders, and sat in a trial where a man was sentenced to death. i've learned so much and seen so much. a lot of the class has opened my eyes-learning about how to control chaos, and what it's like to come to a city where no one seems to care. about the balance between what's perceived as good and evil, about how human beings impose order on what they don't understand. it's been amazing.
i love chicago. it's an awesome city, i can't wait to explore it. annndd i'm going to an academy show november sixth with peter and emily. so excited.