Oct 07, 2005 16:19
Wow. It's been awile.
So, things that have happened since the last time I was here.
+ It snowed! Wheee!
+ Hockey started again!
- I hate the Minnesota Wild
- Assignments are eating me
+ I've watched two episodes of Lost, which for the most part, I enjoyed
+ Kristen Chenowith is now a main character on West Wing, but I can't help but refer to her as "Galinda"
+ I played Cranium with everyone on my student council exec (of which I am part of) and had a blast!
+ Finished a lap report a full week before it was due!
+ Made a new friend
- Started getting a sore throat
+ Went to an amazing social where a celtic band played
- Hurt my calves so bad I couldn't walk for the rest of the weekend
The rest was filled up by classes and doing assignments. It's been busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.