I haven't checked my friends list in two days. That is a LONG time to be away from LJ, especially since new LOST last Wednesday, and there was a lot to talk about.
Most of everything that I wanted to say has already been said, so I'll do a short summary.
1. ISLAND MYTHOLOGY!!! The map thing was SO cool, and I really need to look at it more closely.
2. Sawyer and Jack at Poker? FANTASTIC! Kate was super funny too with the ruler comment. Actually, she was adorable that whole scene and making eyes at Jack -- but Jack? Making eyes at Sawyer. I'm not even a Jack / Sawyer shipper, and I could see it like whoa. HAWT.
3. The food -- meaning that the Others are still constantly getting things from the real world, and other people KNOW that they are there. That brings a lot of possibilities into the picture.
4. Wow, Henry Gale. There was no way for them to actually prove that he was innocent, even if the body was as he said, because there was always the chance that he is a fake and killed the real Henry to assume his identity. There was no way for the LOST writers to convince the audience that he is actually a good person, so the only thing they can do is make him... a bad guy. But is he an Other? I have no idea. And I really like the fact that we have to keep guessing.
5. Locke's flashbacks: meh, whatever. I feel bad for him, and the Nadia connection was cool, but nothing really happened. As for the Cooper / Mr. Sawyer possible connection -- I don't really care either way, but I like that there wasn't a definitive answer, and now we're all talking about it.
6. Best shot of the total episode: right at the end going back into the hatch, look at Kate's face. She's like, "WTF is going on?", and it's priceless. So many possibilities for icons from her facial expressions! (
mysticxf, get on it! ;) )
In other news, I have to announce (again) my love for Kristin Chenoweth. For those who don't know, she's a Tony award winning Broadway actress that's classically trained in opera, is 4'10", and is adorable. She's now The West Wing, and one of my favourite characters.
If you're a fan of hers, broadway, or of good singing / acting performances in general, watch
THIS VIDEO at youtube.com because it is amazing. It's only about 5 minutes long, but she absolutely blows me away. Where does that voice come from? Simply stunning. There's a little bit of preamble to the performance, but it is WELL worth it.
I also found video from
when she was on Ellen earlier this year, and tells a fantastic story about how she lit her hair on fire (whoops) and teaches Ellen to sing Opera. Too funny.
I really shouldn't have discovered how much stuff is on youtube.com and how cool it is this close to exams. This is very bad for me, who is very easily distracted.
Oh look! Something shiny!