I'm in a REALLY good mood today. I'm in an infectious good mood, and nothing's going bring me down.
+ I went to my faculty's year end formal on Saturday night -- I got dressed up, then drank, danced, and had a rocking good time
+ I stayed in the hotel afterwards that is known for the amazingness of their Sunday brunch, and gorged myself on amazing food and a chocolate fountain
+ I'm done my groundwater contamination project (LATE last night), and I think it's really good
+ When I went in to get my car an oil change, I scratched-and-won it
+ The sun is out, the air is crisp, and I am no longer wearing a parka!
+ My iPod loves me: I put it on shuffle and listened to a whole bunch of songs that made me really happy
+ I watched West Wing this morning, and I thought it was really, really good
And now, my thoughts:
Have I ever mentioned that Kristin Chenoweth is my hero? Then allow her to sing, and I was jumping up and down. and the show had only just begun.
I love it when people talk over each other in shows -- because that's the way it happens in real life. I thought they did a really good job of that, and the fast pace of everyone really got me going.
Oh, Toby. Let me give you a hug.
Lou is hilarious. I love her so much. And her lying on the couch looking at her computer? So natural. Otto falling down? Priceless.
Gah! When did Molly and Huck become so big! And look! They still come with hats!
Harry Potter for Halloween -- too perfect. But getting sick? Oh, honey, I've been there.
I wanted to see Nancy. Nuts. I've always liked her.
Santos and Josh -- oh, it reminded me so much of the Bartlet - Leo relationship, and it worked so well. Josh telling him exactly what to do in order to get through the next 5 days... it was so nice, and I just wanted to eat it up. It's going to make the next few episodes so much harder though.
and OMFG. I can't wait until next week.
Question: are they doing the full 22 episodes this season? Or stopping at 18? I tried to look it up, but couldn't really because I'm avoiding spoilers. It makes things hard.