Sep 15, 2005 17:11
Wow... been getting all the old favorites from previous moonfests out and jee it's great to see all the lovely stuff from the past... Moon Fest is OLD! ... realizing how long ago some of these things came out play... and well it's been yonks! I hope the magick continues on for ever!*:.
Wow...I actually just found my diary from 1997!!! and there it has it... *Full Moon Party*16th September 1997... it was a welcome home party for bec and jon when they went over seas... and was so good we kept it going every month after that... stopping over winter coz it was a lot smaller then and not as many people came out in the cold.... it was the "full moon party"... "ocean gathering" and all sorts of things till it settled on *Moon Fest* but wow... what's that??? 8years!!! that's a pretty good effort! .....remind me Spring moonfest 2007 it will be our ten year anerversery!*:.
but yeah... as i was saying till I interupted myself with that... getting out all the old stuff has been really fun... reminds me of the past... and shows me the effort i've put into moonfest over the years.... makes me realise that it didn't all just happen on it's own... there's been lots of pixie juice poored into it to keep it going and keep it special*:.
... the spring maiden giant puppet... she has seen better days... but I've restructured a couple of bits and given her a bit of a paint-job where needed... (amazing what a bit of makeup can do for a and well she still looks real funny and a bit out of proportion and wobley... but that's kind of the fun of it! hahaha
...all the beautiful flower lanterns... they have been along to quite a few spring moonfests... I've put the smaller ones on baboo garden stakes and hopefully I'll be able to find some paper cups to place in the middle to put a tealight inside to work as a lantern... even if not they will look lovely round the flower power candle circle anyways*:.
...the rainbow serpent! oh my... he's been on a few adventures... part of the shimmera... a dance movement piece down at sandgate foreshore... and the water ellemental moonfest (2001) he was the water serpent... oh and maybe again for the Rainbow Spring Moon Fest (2002)... he's rainbowy and colourful and magickal and friendly and fun*:.
...also looking at old photos too... the giant phoenix egg full of wishes... my nefew raistlin helped me paint it when he was 4!!! he is now 8!!! That was back in 2001 for the Fire Moonfest (as if they are not *ALL* firey! lol) the first of the ellemental moonfest... I made a phoenix fire sculpture for this too... Everyone wrote wishes on paper and placed them inside the phoenix egg... the phoenix nest was set a light and the flaming phoenix rose out of the fire! Was a real magickal one*:.
.... photos of people from moonfests long ago that i have not seen in years... people come and go... new faces appear...old faces fade and sometimes reappear... and some faces that have always been there and never ever left (that last one's you sam! lol)
... we've had love blossom at moonfest
... we've had weddings and anerverseries and birthdays and babies
...We've had lovelie sparkling shiney people...we've had drunks, we've had bible bashers, we've had pagans and witches, hippies and punks, we've had crazy, we've had sain, we've had young, old, and evrything in between... we'v had sprinkles going off in the middle of the drum circle! (ooops sorry guys) we've had Dolphins at moonfest!!! and phosferous! and rain and wind .... and SO many beautiful clear stary nights... I used to carry big heavey pots of chai and mugs! and plates of yummy treats up and down the freeking hill... and this was *before* I had a car and I was walking from my perents house!!! We've had magickal natural fairy lights in the trees (moonlight reflecting off the dewy leaves) we've had Rainbow Man HAhAhahaha...he was good value hehehe... chanting rainbow warior songs! We've had whirlies, we've had twirlies and music and shaken your groove thang boogeyin drum jams! ... scramble jam last minute fly by the seet of your pants put together shows... that quite often turn out really fun and entertaining... we've had a moonfest for every colour of the rainbow! ...litterally! ha ...and every ellement... we've had blankies... we've had braziers ...WE'VE HAD CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! ...we've had eclipses... we've had clay! so much clay covering your whole body (to quote sam "clay is good!") we've had people in trees... we've had people with glowing orbs ochoing their forest calls from up in the hills emerging out of the trees... we've had people swimming... (that'd be jen..hehehe) and fire sticks being flung off the jetty and lost in the water... we've had blindfolded crazy loonies twirling with (MY) double sticks in the water and then proseeding to drop one of them in the water loosing it... we've had lovely people who go out into the water to find it too : ) ...we've howld at the moon ... we've had a crazy person in a dog suit twirling fire! arhhhhg... setting himseft slightly alight...dear me... we've had moonfest at the beakon ... we've had moonfest the same night as bayfire... pink moonfest if i recall... We've played on the playground... made sand sculptures and pictures... we've run twirling workshops before moonfest and gotten our students to perform there... hehe... I used to stiltwalk at moonfest...ha... and so many things....
i've cried ..i've laughed... i've smiled... and been cranky ... I've been tierd... I've been not in the mood ... and I've been adsolutely blissful and comfy and at peace at moonfest.:*
just having a moment... reminissing...
thanks for listening....:*