Strange Dreams

Jan 05, 2009 12:19

So, yeah, I've had some odd dreams lately...

First there was the one where I met Chris Judge from Stargate:
A week ago was a dream where I needed to get more money, and was pulling out $1000.00 from the ATM (I 'd just had a fight with MOM, where she said I couldn't get that much out & I told her that "I work for the bank, I know how the ATMs work!").  As I was inputting my PIN, I noticed the big hot black guy on his cell phone walking past me was Chris Judge, from Stargate SG-1, and I was all 'wait!" because I entered 10,000 instead of 1000.  He stopped, I got my money & then I was all "I'm sure you get this a lot, either way, but are you Christopher Judge?" and he said yeah, and I told him that he's cool (or something) and asked if he was ok?  He explained something about a natural disaster (tornado) at home in Oklahoma (?).  I said "oh, i'm so sorry, is everyone ok?" and he hugged me. 
I remember the hug was really nice...he was cuddly.  and he held on, and then as he was letting go, I held on for a bit...I needed the hug. 
Eventually, I invited him along with my family on our trip to a cabin or something...

Then there was the one last night where I was a cadet in military college, specifially I knew I was Laura Cadman (from Stargate Atlantis):
There was a string of murders in several US military universities/colleges (whatevers) and we'd just had one at mine.  I found the body with others while doing PT, and I stood guard, as stoiclly as possible.  The CSI was Daniel Jackson, and I helped him get his copier paper to the right place to input the info (why this was an important part, I don't know!).  And then I went back to trying to be stoic and guarding the scene. 
I was finally pulled away to finish PT before the President (of the US, I think) came.

Way back, more than 6 months ago, I had one where I was John Sheppard, going back to Atlantis after a big trip to Earth, getting ready for a huge campaign against the Wraith.
We had pictures of our past missions up on a table, like some sort of student art exhibit.  There was a really cool one of my team (Team Sheppard, with Ronon) dressed in ceremonial headdresses, very Native American, but with Carribean parrot-like colors.  I wanted a copy, really bad, but they didn't have that one printed up yet & we were just about to leave.  I turned to General O'Neill, and requested he keep a copy for me and take care of my stuff--made an allusion to him keeping all my stuff until I get back (or if I didn't).  I got the feeling that O'Neill and I were in a relationship, and I really wanted to come back to him, but I had a duty to uphold first.  We didn't kiss or say anything other than my mentioning for him to take care of my stuff & keep the picture for me (keep the picture of me??) and he agreed, and then it was time to go.

That one led me to wanting to read all the John Sheppard/Jack O'Neill I could--and there's not much, is there?

So...yeah, dreaming in fandom, and sometimes I'm a character. Odd, but I'm weird like that. :-)

And now, with all the reminiscing, I'm in the mood for a Clone!Jack/John Sheppard Slash fic. Sadly, I don't think there is one...and it just doesn't seem likely. But there is one with the clone & John that I do see.

The fic that I can almost see writing:  (probably with a small crossover with NCIS)
The concept I can see working is John Sheppard as Jack O'Neill's love child from the team's trip to 1969, and he learns of it when the Clone is a John Doe in a coma from an accident that he and John are in. And they compare blood samples, and assume John is the clone's father--and then Rodney (who is totally John's lover) realizes he's O'Neill's clone as he's waking up and scowles at Rodney saying something like "Didn't we give you to the Russians?  Don't tell me I'm in Siberia?"

Can't you just see it:

Rodney:  OMIGOSH!  You're the clone!  O'Neill's Asguard clone--but if you're the clone & there's a paternal relationship, then John isn't your father--you're his, or well, O'Neill is.  But how?  The time travel to 1969?  O'Neill you dog, you!  Wow, I guess your mom was kinda slutty too, huh?  Well, at least you come by it honestly.

And John and Clone!Jack (who goes by Jon) are gaping at him.

And Jon (the Clone, if you haven't been folowing closely) says, "You mean Marilyn?" 
John:  No!  No way!  My life is wierd, but it can't be that wierd!  Leave my mom out of it both of you!

my sick-sad-brain, fic, dreams, fic ideas

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