
Jan 13, 2012 16:55

apparently, one can nominate oneself to state boards and commissions


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gimli_m January 14 2012, 00:00:42 UTC
I'll vote for you if you vote for me. I wonder if the total population of chicago_ru is enough to get me elected to be ... um. Somebody.


elka78 January 14 2012, 00:50:24 UTC
it's not elected, those are appointed by the governor... I submitted for School Board of Education, Education Accountability and Council for Arts :)


gimli_m January 14 2012, 00:58:40 UTC
We need to write to the governor then!

Also, I want to be Grand Inquisitor, Greater Chicago Area Representative of SETI, and also Chief Fireman. Could be all positions combined.


hettie_lz January 14 2012, 13:00:02 UTC
А это мы запросто! Написать губернатору. Мы знакомы :-)). Некоторые из нас, I mean!


elka78 January 16 2012, 15:35:51 UTC
О! А это ведь действительно идея! Я даже совсем забыла, что "связи" есть :) потираю ручки, конспектирую идеи :)


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