Sep 22, 2005 16:57
Well, gang, if you don't know by now, I "interviewed" for a Project Manager position working for my boss's boss's boss, Armistead, today at 4PM. As I had suspected, this was not really an interview, both because he wasn't really considering me for the position, and because I didn't particularly want to do the job. Instead it was an opportunity for he and I to communicate about both my current and future successes with the company. He had essentially felt that my application for the position was a signal that he should read as "I'm not happy doing what I'm doing." I said that I saw it more as an opportunity for me to take on a higher level of leadership responsibilities.
At this point we launched into a discussion of the ways in which I am already leading technical efforts, and some future opportunities for more technical leadership down the road. It was good to hear that he is very happy with the work I have been doing, and he gave me some good advice about how to proceed from where I am to where I want to be.
All in all, it was a very satisfying "interview." We also had a good laugh at the beginning of the "interview" over the fact that I am dressed, at least, to the 7s today in my black slacks, blue shirt, and red tie. He even went so far as to take a picture. I guess it was quite a difference from cargo pants and a shirt that reads, "I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?"