The Southern Island Kingdom of Candfein
Candfein and Plealfein are different from the rest of the Six Kingdoms. They are Island nations, heavily dependent on the ocean and do not encourage the spread of the Creation religion or the use of Feintein. They speak Fei'Tei commonly and are a more 'wild' people. They have been called everything from apes to 'lesser evolved individuals' and are often considered soulless, bad luck and ruthless.
Candfein has no affectionate name, it is mainly plains and is ruled by
The Sword of Selection. Candfein is very odd in that it is heavily reliant on magic. The island itself is plains with few trees, rocky beaches and very few resources. While it is called 'The Sword of Selection', it is really a giant statue of the First King, holding a sword. When the future ruler walks by the statue he will kneel.
There is a trade path that walks in front of the First King, and people pay their dues to Him. Candfein has no religion other than the worship of ancestors and heroes. When the current ruler (who is King regardless of gender) is weakening or becoming a bad ruler the First King will bow to the next ruler. It has never been questioned, not since the First King himself was chosen by a sword which they say fell from the skies and he led them into victory in the First War.
Candfein is society of ships. Ships can help determine status and the great shipbuilders are given place with the great heroes. They eat a lot of fish and at a very young age children begin to learn how to sail, weave nets, gut fish and other practical things. The people believe in living simply, happily and as a community. They do not like to be ruled, and most of the Kings have been common people with a good head on their shoulders. In fact, there is no nobility class, titles are reserved for the dead and the King.
Candfein does not trade with Frejfein, or Liotfein. It has some relations with Iofein, but it has strongest ties with Plealfein, as the two Kingdoms are very similar. Like Iofein, however, despite its size, Candfein has a vicious army and has never been occupied by another Kingdom of rule.
The cities in Candfein are not walled, and Frejfein finds them plain, because of their wooden houses and round design. There is no royal army, but there is The Guard, a group of soldiers who choose to serve the current King and then train.
It is said that even on a windless day the ships of Candfein sail true... but magic is their well guarded secret.