Wasting time with survey fun! (taken from ambie!)

Oct 02, 2009 03:44


Is it colder than usual outside today?
pretty darn chilly. Perfect for hoodie-wearing, my favorite time of year!

What do you normally order on your burger?
I havent been able to eat a burger in so long, but I was kind of fantasizing about it today... rallyburgers are delish, with everything on them. And mcdonalds cheeseburger with mac sauce. YUM!

Have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty?
yes, it is quite tasty.

Do you live in the united states?

What would you say is your biggest pet peeve?

Do you know how to burn a CD?

What is the hardest class that you ever had to take?
Probably the horrible geology with a lab last semester! Totally lame, came out with a C. Retaking spanish now (got a C the first time around) and totally kicking some ASS in it!

Do your parents use any instant messaging?
maybe mi madre

Do you own a pair of slippers?
like house slippers? nope.

Do you have any paintings in your room? if so, of what?
Nope, just photogs I have taken and of friends/family.

Have you ever had your photo professionally taken?
yup. senior year for the yearbook, when i was a kid, and with dustin at walmart haha (hey they had a good deal!)

Have you ever gone out to public in your pajamas?
yes, dont judge me bitch.

What is the biggest flaw in your spouse/crush?
worry-wart about little things.

Do you own any sporting jerseys?
not jerseys.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
black raspberry chip or chocolate coconut almond fudge from greaters, death by chocolate from kroger

Do you prefer writing with mechanical pencils or normal #2 pencils?

Do you wear contact lenses?
not anymore. I did for a long time, I want more. I wear the glasses daily now.

Are you planning on dressing up for Halloween?
hell to the yes I love Halloween. It's gonna be super cute. Me and Kevin are going as Fred and Wilma Flinstone! Perfect, right?

Have you fought with anyone recently?
discussed not fought.

Did you ever watch a soap opera?
My soap is True Blood--- word amber!

What color is your room painted?
a sage green color.

Are your fingernails nicely kept or do you bite them?
I let them grow for a bit until they start breaking then I chop them off.


01. what has been the nicest thing that someone has said to you so far today? 'You really are a special person. How did I ever get so lucky'
02. what is the weather currently like? it was kind of a dreary day, maybe because I had a work meeting and was super tired. It was quite chilly, now its raining again damn it.
03. when was the last time you went on a vacation, and where to? To French Lick with my mom. Cant wait to go back.
04. are your parents married or divorced? They beat the odds and are still married. Love em both to death!
05. what time did you wake up this morning/afternoon? 1145am for a damn work meeting, it was lame.
06. do you consider yourself to be an early bird or a night owl? definite night owl. I run on little sleep usually. coffee is a miracle.
07. have you ever traveled by train before? nope but I am going to French Lick for their haunted train ride next friday to see my sister scare some peeps.
08. could you ever have a relationship with someone who is a compulsive liar? no fucking way.
09. what is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? chill inside with the pups, clean, or work so I dont have to work when its not raining.
10. do you have your own car? yup, Mazda 626. pay 117 dollars a month for it. Im ballin' haha yea right.
11. is there anything bothering you right now? not currently. I am pumped about everything October has to offer and my winter vaca.
12. do you consider yourself "tight" with either your mother or your father? both of them, but my mom slightly more.  
13. what is honestly the best advice that you have ever received? dont date a man who doesnt have a car or job when you meet them, haha.
14. what kind of wedding do you want to have? one where all my friends and family can make it. extravagant but humble at the same time.
15. is it easy for you to trust people or is it difficult? pretty easy. Ive got screwed because of that too many times.
16. are you interested in the "twilight" saga? ehh.
17. what is one of your current favorite songs? 'you da best' by drake
18. what type of cell phone do you have? some pantech slider with qwerty keyboard
19. do you prefer using facebook or myspace? Facebook.
20. what is the worst lie that you've recently told? probably just being nice to somebody when I really didnt like them
21. have you ever skipped a class? I dont miss college, but I missed a lot of my first couple period classes in highschool. Too fucking early.
22. do you prefer oreos or chips ahoy cookies? Oreo-a-go-go
23. do you celebrate halloween? Oh hells yes! My fave holiday!
24. have you ever been in love? I think I am just starting to find out what real love is like.
25. do you believe that your first true love is the hardest to get over? probably because it is your first heartache and you have never been through it before
26. how many friends have you made so far this year? hmm... many aquaintances. Kevin is probably the only new friend I made before he turned into my boyfriend lol
27. do you prefer kisses or hugs better? A little bit of both. A good bear hug paired with a nice kiss.
28. are you into PDA or are you against it? Im not against it, but I also am not ok with being on top of my boyfriend in public, haha.
29. what is the most romantic experience that you have ever had? hmm, romantic? maybe something dustin did for me for valentines day when we were together. The first time me and Kevin went out I wasnt sure that it was a date until he showed up with a rose in the car it was SUPER sweet.
30. what is a food that you are currently craving? philly cheesesteak from cafe 360 that I know I couldnt eat. fuck.
31. are you more cold or hot at the moment? comfortable
32. are you obsessed with taking pictures on your camera? I used to be when I had a digi-cam that worked. Hopefully getting a new one for xmas
33. when you tell someone about a bad experience, do you tend to exaggerate or just tell it how it is? yea i probably exaggerate a bit haha
34. do you prefer drinking coke or pepsi? water please! or juice
35. soda or pop? soda
36. do you tend to be a procrastinator? very much so, its horrible really.
37. have you ever thrown a house party while your parents were away? when my mom was away me and my dad would party hardy sometimes
38. have you ever thrown up from drinking? hated it!
39. how long does it usually take you to fall asleep at night? depending on how worn out I am, sometimes 5 min, sometimes 15.
40. would you prefer going to the zoo or an aquarium? ZOO.


1. Have you ever told a big lie and got away with it? No.
2. Can you drive a standard? haha funny.
3. What's the worst color for a car? white and I own a white car!
4. Do you prefer candy or caramel apples? caramel with the nuts
5. Are you likely to throw up if you see someone else throw up? no, i work in health care lol
6. Have any of your friends ever thought they were pregnant? yep some were, some werent
7. Do you own any tie-dye shirts? haha yes, pine view eagles
8. What are your school colors? black and red at New Albany. red and white for IUS
9. What's your favorite type of shampoo? suave
10. How often do you straighten your hair? a couple days a week.
11. Does your mom have facebook? yep she's with the times.
12. Which language do you think sounds the worst? german.
13. Have you had sex with less than 5 guys? yep. 4.
14. Would you ever consider adoption? yes, definitely. I wanna adopt and have my own possibly.
15. Do you create your own houses on the Sims? Sims is lame.
16. Are you overweight? Im on the road to fit! but yes, as of now I am. 
17. Is cereal your favorite breakfast food? I dont eat until 4pm everyday. I'd say coffee. haha
18. Which store has the best jeans? hmm. It all depends, jeans fit me weird because I have a white girls butt.
19. Do you like Coach purses? ugly.
20. Is your house near a church? nope. up in the silver hills.
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