My speck is more noticeable than your 2 x 4?

Nov 22, 2005 13:46

How dare you look into my eyes and tell me that you don't think I can be a minister? Not once, but twice! On who's authority are you basing such a judgemental claim? Oh, wait, our God is a judgemental and wrathful one, full of ire, hoping to curse. Sorry I missed that memo. I still thought He was loving and forgiving, not wanting anyone to perish. But you're right. You have convinced me that God is a homophobe. "Jesus couldn't be around sin." Really? That makes sense. He never ate with tax collectors, befriended prostitutes, cast out demons, or forgave his murderers. Based on your argument, Jesus couldn't have come to earth, let alone performed his incarnational ministry. Quaran anyone? I forgot that you could only be a minister if you were paid by a church and had an official title. I guess the bottom rung of Hell is filled with niggers and faggots, right?

Bless me, I sneezed. I'll always be allergic to bullshit.

I'll remember for next time that "agree to disagree" is an excuse for girls looking to run from a debate, not an attempt avoid some sinful argument. Friend, I could have demolished pretty much anything you threw at me. Furthermore, I can demolish you. Honestly, at this point, I would enjoy watching you bleed. You are a cancer to my spiritual needs. Don't ever call yourself my friend unless you apologize. "Et tu, Brute?" Fuck Brutus, closed-mindedness, and you. I wash my hands of this.
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