Wow. Life is so good, all of a sudden. I can't think of a single thing that I can legitimately complain about. And you know me - I can always find something. But no. Nada.
For the most part it's that I'm loving the musical. It makes me so happy. Ava Belich is awesome. I can't get enough of the chorus practices - I look forward to them all day and I'm disappointed when we're let out early. I listen to the CD Mr. Belich gave me all the way to and from school. When I get home, I make my mom watch me as I demonstrate the new dance steps I learned that day. Then I play the CD in my room and go through the routines by myself! It's insane.
Dancing is so much fun. We get to do all this crazy can-can stuff for "Get Me to the Church on Time." Ooh la la! And okay, at one point I get picked up and slung over Wruck's shoulder. How cool is that? :D
I love being around the people, too. It gets lonely at home, and there's just so much life at play practice - singing and dancing and larking merrily about. I have the opportunity to spend more time with old friends, and get to know people that I ordinarily wouldn't get much of a chance to be around.
Like today, Cathy and her brother John came to see Jessica and me after play practice, and we ended up inviting Lucas and Steve to go to Culvers with us. We were there for like 2 hours! It was a blast.
I can't remember why else I'm so bloody cheerful. Things are just looking up, that's all. :)
Dear current mood,
Please don't go away. kthxbye.
~Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeliz. <3
(P.S: If you want to call me baby,
Just go ahead now.
And if you'd like to tell me maybe,
Just go ahead now.
And if you wanna buy me flowers,
Just go ahead now.
And if you'd like to talk for hours,
Just go ahead now.)