Oct 22, 2007 17:44
In case you wondered where I have been.
Went to visit Aunty in hospital. Aunty has pneumonia. A couple of days later I'm in hospital with pneumonia. Apparently I have asthma and should stay away from people with respiratory problems.
Well now they tell me. Only days before my sons wedding and I'm in hospital relearning how to breath.
Did get out for the wedding. Went to the wedding, still sick, unable to talk, but had a quick dance with my darling son. Everyone looked lovely (except for me, of course, but who cares). You can see photos here... www.dreamsofbliss.com
Now I have double vision so I can't paint or draw, and I think I've broken a rib coughing. And I can't even whisper, my voice has up and left me.
Back to the Dr tomorrow.