(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 01:22

Action Line,

I am a member of the disabled community of Santa Clara, and I need your help with a parking ticker. Here’s the story.

On 11/2/04 I was running late to a meeting at Project Hire, a training and placement agency I regularly visit, and did not put my disabled parking placard in clear view. I went to the meeting and came back to find my car had been ticketed. Several people came out and told me that they told the officer ticketing my car said that I indeed was disabled and I would be out shortly. He told them that all I would have to do is appeal the ticket.

I did appeal, and that after two round of documenting that I had a placard and that I was disabled, I did not hear anything.

Yesterday my DMV registration came and along with the renewal fee the bill included $278 for the parking violation. When I called the City of Santa Clara parking division I was told my appeal had been reviewed and was denied. I did not receive any notification of this; and argued against the ticket on these grounds: yes, I should have mad my placard visible, but the large fine is intended to discourage non-disabled people from parking in handicapped designated spaces, not to punish disabled people.

When I asked if there was anyone I could talk to about this and I was told that it was too late. While I am glad the city is out patrolling these spots, it seems that in this case, the one person that they got had every right to park there. Can you help me find out how I can make my appeal and have my day in court?

Eliza Riley
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