Once Upon a Time...

Mar 07, 2012 17:19

there was a lost woman wandering around in circles waiting for someone to love her. One day she met a man who was even more lost than she was. She was in shock as not many had seen or felt the trauma that she had felt and been through in her life. He had. He made her look sane. He made her look optimistic about life. He made her feel beautiful and smart. He didn't talk down on her and always let her know where they stood. Friends with benefits. She loved him damaged. She loved him broken. She loved being able to pick up the pieces and try to put them back together even if it was temporarily. She knew that she was only a dolly to him. Often times he put her back on the shelf of his mind and would forget about her. Months often times years would go by before their paths crossed again. That love would surface and their passion would burn for another short lived time. As many men and women that have come in and out of his life she is still there. He hasn't outcasted her yet even though she has him many times. She has cursed his name and rolled her eyes when he is mentioned but that love. That bond is always there. It will always be there.

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