2008 movie list

Jan 02, 2008 11:01

willow_kat talked about keeping track of the movies she watched in 2008 and since I do tend to watch a lot of movies I thought I'd give that a go along with my booklist.

My last movie of 2007 was Imagine Me & You
Rating: 10/10
Totally adorable love story AND Anthony Stewart Head plays the father, dances(!) and is just a fabulous force in the film. How I didn't know he was in it before I do not know. The story is sweet and it's a movie that totally gives the happily after all ending but it's somehow not overly sugary and sweet. Loved it :)


1. Pretty Persuasion
Rating: 6/10
This was a weird one. I thought from the description of it all that this was going to be girls framing their teacher for sexual harassment, but as the film went on I didn't think he was that innocent. The man character Kimberly (Evan Rachel Wood) was a sociopath and so not really sympathetic or a character one could relate well to. I really did like the link which was shown between a guy who goes into his school and shoots everyone and a girl who manipulates everyone around her and ruins lives. It's more subtle but the end result can be almost the same.

2.Man On Fire
Rating: 8/10
I think Viv told me to watch this movie 2 years ago, since then it's sat on my shelf unwatched I have no idea why since it's damn awesome. There are some good plot twists in here, lots of action and fabulous acting. Dakota Fanning a per usual just amazes me with her mad acting skills. That girl is wise beyond her years.

Rating 10/10
This is a perfect adaptation of a great book. It brings up the question of whatever happened to Mara Wilson who was such an adorable little child actress. Apparently she's at NYU and trying to get back into acting. Best of luck to her, hopefully she's still good :) Back to the movie. The casting was just spot on, the sets are great, and the story was translated into film seamlessly.

4. Twister
Rating 8/10
I generally will watch this movie when it's on TV. A little romance, angst, action, Anthony Rapp and an Oz reference? Yeah I'm in. I've never seen an actual tornado in the flesh but I think because of Oz I've always been curious about them. I'd love to see one in real life one day.

5. Fly Away Home
Rating 10/10
There is so much heart in this movie! Beautiful movie, such a great story. I love the whole film.

6. Tiger Cruise
Rating 7.5/10
This is the only 9/11 movie I've watched and this one I only saw the first time because I didn't realize what it was going to be about. However this movie is really well done. A great Disney Original movie. Some obvious green screens and some lines that landed like bricks also a lot of *yay* America messages which I sometimes agree with and sometimes not... There are things to be argued with in this one but I think that the story came together really well and it makes me remember some of the feelings I had on 9/11 and for the most part doesn't glorify it.

7. The Others
Rating 8/10
A great example of a Victorian ghost story/mystery. The mood this movie sets is great. Everything is kept unseen and yet you're still scared. It lets your imagination run with the story.

8. Bless The Child
Rating 7.5/10
Killer cast working with a not so killer script. The little girl who plays Cody (Holliston Coleman) did such a great job. Also fun is seeing TO made up to look like NYC except for some of the landmarks are super recognizable. I saw this with my friend Jessa back in Highschool and the coffee shop where Kim Basinger and Christina Ricci meet is right by her house and the subway stations are so obviously TO. Yes the religion in the film is heavy handed but then again in most of these good vs. evil movies the evil is heavy handed.

9. Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
Rating 7/10
So quality wise this movie isn't so good but I love it. It's one of those early 90's movies that's just a classic and is such fun. Highly enjoyable.

10. Entrapment
Rating 7.5/10
I had this on as background noise... then got sucked in. I apparently am a typical girl because I though this was just hot :) Lots of fun, cool theif stuf, I'd for sure watch this one again :)

11. The Kite Runner
Rating: 9/10
A really powerful movie. Not at all a light film and probably one that I won't watch again anytime soon. It got a little bit trite right at the very end but wow what a story! It's a very real and very scary look at life in parts of the Middle East as well as a story of survival and love. Really great work. Also the editing was fantastic!

12. Serenity
Rating 10/10
You know a movie is good when you own not one but two different DVDs of it and still watch it when it airs on TV... and then note that it's reairing as you're going to bed a few hours later and put it on to sleep to... I feel this one will crop up on my list a few more times lol


13. The Replacements
Rating 8/10
This movie is about as into football as I get. I'm not a big football fan, not even generally a big fan of sports movies but this one is clearly awesome. Plus the soundtrack is a lot of fun. Just pure entertainment :)

14. Bring It On
Rating 10/10
I feel silly giving this one such a high rating but then I think about it and can't think of anything I don't like about this movie. It's complete fluff and it's fun but it never pretends to be anything but that. Yet in the world of fluffy fun movies this one is absolutely excellent and is a must see.

15. Lucy Keyes
Rating 6.5/10
Not at all as bad as I thought it would be. This was an indipendant film and so I'm guessing that there wasn't a lot of budget for special effects and really the parts of the movie that were best were when they weren't employing special effects. The acting was pretty good and it was a neat mystery/historical ghost story idea. Two things that I didn't like. 1. The editing. There was some really shoddy work done here. It would be night time, then the daytime, and what looks like it was supposed to be the day before, then the same night again. The inconsistancies in the time line were distracting and had things been in the right order then it would have kept the film flowing smoothly. I also didn't like the ending... it almost needed a bit more of an epilogue. On the whole it sort of reminded me of a John Saul book which is why I picked it up in the first place. Not bad.

16. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Rating 8/10
This one is great fun. Fantastic special effects for their time which still hold up now. The main storyline here is interesting and I'm glad it's being further expanded and explored now in The Sarah Connor Chronicles.


*The Nathan Fillion sleepover shindig meant that I watched a heck of a lot of movies in one night:

17. Serenity
Rating 10/10 still ;)
I still notice new things when I'm watching this movie. This time I noted that in one of Book's scenes he randomly says River's name. (keeping this as spoiler free as possible just in case) perhaps this is more of a clue into Book's past?

18. White Noise 2
Rating 6/10
This one was fun to watch in a group because we could all make fun of it together. Unlike the premise of the first White Noise (which I've not seen but have been told about) this one moved quickly away from the "white noise" phenominon and more into a really odd religious slant. The "white noise" was there more just so the movie could be called a sequel I think.

19. Waitress
Rating 8.5/10
I love this movie. It's one I've found that people either love or hate. But I think it's really cute and that while everyone is having affairs the lesson there is really to not do that, it's just a subtle lesson (in most cases) and I think sometimes it's interpreted as saying that it's okay to have an affair if your current relationship sucks. I think that rather this was showing the humanity there, and what people can choose to do when they feel trapped in a really negative situation and the strength it takes to get away from all of that.

20. Slither
Rating 8/10
This is such a fun movie. I love it. It's so weird and so gross and yet it's really funny and still makes you jump. Plus Nathan is awesome in this one. We watched the fun extra of "Who is Bill Pardy" which was highly amusing as well.

21. Wating
Rating 6/10
In truth I napped through the middle of this movie. I think it's one I'd have to be in the mood for. Parts were funny, but it's that gross juevenille humour that either you're in the mood for and it's hilarious or you're not into it at all and it really doesn't provoke a response which is where I was at while watching this movie.

22. Across the Universe
Rating 9/10
SOOOOOOO glad I napped through Waiting because that meant I was awake for this movie and it's really good. I liked the mix of really popular Beatles songs with more obscure ones. I only had two things rub me a little wrong with this one. 1. At times the anti-war, American symbolism was just too much over the top. and 2. The ending was cheesy, it was fine 'til it just ended and then it turned from cute to "what a cheesy ending to this great movie!" but other than that it was really fun to watch and I would absolutely buy this one and watch it again :)

23. Gladiator
Rating 8/10
I never was really compelled to watch this one but we woke up to the sounds of epic battle and settled in to watch this movie over breakfast and it was pretty darn good! Much better than I thought it would be. Way more plot than I'd expected. The fighting still was gory but that was what the entertainment was back then. Plus the sets and costumes were fantastic! Totally worth watching!
*/END Fillion sleepover movies ;)

24. Juno
Rating 9/10
I LOVED this movie. It's fantastic. BUT there was one huge continuity mistake. The adoptive couple is talking about how fast Juno arrived for them and the husband has a comment abou how they just placed an ad and then two weeks later she was there and it's all happening so quickly. BUT earlier in the film it was established that the wife is anxious about Juno not bailing on them because they did this before and the mother to be changed her mind later into the process. Big oops. Other than that the characters were great and I cried through much of the movie and LOVED it!

25. The Other Boleyn Girl
Rating 8/10
Great movie. They greatly condensed the book and made the characters a lot softer and more innocent. Anne in the film is much more kind than the Anne in the book was. Also despite the movie supposed to be about "The Other Boleyn Girl" who really was Mary when Mary left court the movie stayed there with Anne. It was more Anne's story than it was Mary's.

26. 50 Pills
Rating 4/10
TERRIBLE. Viv and I watched this pretty much to laugh at Kristin Bell which worked because she was horrible in this movie. But there wasn't really much to work with. The writing stunk, the storyline was so full of plot holes that it was almost unwatchable, there really was no satisfactory ending with the exception of the kid finally proving to his parents that he wasn't gay which had nothing to do with any storyline until 1/2 way through this movie. They had enough plot here to maybe make an episode of a 30 minute sitcom and just added more random characters and filler to flush it out to be almost an hour and a half.

27. Murder by Numbers
Rating 6.5/10
I was disappinted with this one. It's not really so much about the two boys exicuting a well planned crime (not really a spoiler since that's what's advertised as the plot of the movie) but rather became more about Cassie (Sandra Bullock) and her issues and her coming to terms with everything in her life. I really thought her story was poorly introduced so I knew where they were trying to go but it came together in a rather forced and sloppy way. Some ideas in the movie were neat but mostly it was predictable. One I think I'd have liked to watch with friends more so we could have made fun of the multiple plot holes.

28. The United States of Leland
Rating 8/10
I'd watched this one ages ago with Ava on one visit to NYC. I remembered liking it but I couldn't remember the specifics so I rewatched it again. It's one you have to be in a patient mood for. This is an odd film and one that slowly unfolds to the viewer to let you see what happened and more importantly why it happened. I particularly liked how the focus was torn between Leeland and learning what he did and why and between the devistated families showing the fallout of his actions.

29. Enchanted
Rating 9/10
It looses a point for typical Disney crap and for making me wonder how if Idina and McDreamy have been dating for 5 years, and Morgan is 6, why she and Morgan are not at all comfortable with each other. Other than that this movie is adorable. Amy Adams is beyond awesome. The songs are fabulous and stay stuck in my head for days. Much love for this movie!


30. Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser
Rating 8/10
Totally hilarious! This is an indi film that I think is going to really kick off the film career of those involved. It's so funny and you can tell they had a great time filming it. Fabulous film work here!

31. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Rating 7.5/10
This is one of those nostalgic and fun movies. The first one is better but this one still is entertaining. I randomly woke up last night and it was on at 3am and since I couldn't sleep I watched the movie. Good times. This is usually yearly Christmas viewing for me :)

32. Baby Mama
Rating 7/10
Way more watchable than I thought it would be, especially after this movie got CRAPPY reviews. There was actually more plot here than I expected and when the plot was thin there were often cute babies to ooh and awww over ;)

33. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Rating 9/10
A totally hilarious movie! Moreso if one has read the Possibly True, True Hollywood Story of Kristen Bell. This movie must have been massively rewritten by someone who didn't like her much once she was cast because it cut her up a lot. Beyond that it's a cute story, and there are vampire puppets, what's not to love?


34. Iron Man
rating 8/10
This is a good summer blockbuster. I don't know that I'd want to watch it over and over and over again but it was fun. Robert Downey Jr. did a great job in the role and was surprisingly hot. I'm used to seeing him look washed up and stoned so this was a good look for him. Also surprising to me, I was not totally annoyed by Gwenyth Paltrow.

35. The Blue Lagoon
rating: 6.5/10
I woke up randomly in the middle of the night and this movie was just starting but I had no clue what it was and the part with the kids reminded me of Swiss Family Robinson so I thought it might be fun. The movie itself quickly refocuses on keeping the actors as naked as possible while providing very little plot. It's a shame because there was an interesting story there but it was masked behind really shoddy dialogue and a lot of improbable situations. For example if natives were using that island for sacrifices and noticed a fire burning on the other side of the island are we to believe they wouldn't go see who else was around? Meh. Plus there were countless editing mistake (having it go from day to night in the time it takes someone to walk out of a door or having it be rainy then sunny again in the time it took them to go from inside to outside. Watchable, but not a great film by any means. It just seemed to me that the goal of the director was to get to the sex and V.C. Andrews type of plot as fast as he could without taking the time to even edit the film properly

36. Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Rating 8/10
I still think the BBC series stayed more faithful to the books and while they didn't have the same quality of special effects the heart of the story was there. This movie I think I liked more than the recent version of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The tone is quite different from the first movie. It's a lot more dark and a lot more sad. I did not like that Peter was so annoyingly stubborn for much of the movie. I'll have to reread the books to see if he's this annoying in them. I also didn't like the conflict between Peter and Caspian that lasted FOREVER. Oh, and Caspian is supposed to be younger. The idea being that he's still a kid in this one, probably around Edmund's age at most, and then in the next story when Lucy and Edmund come back they don't know who he is at first because he's grown up. I guess that wouldn't work so well for the love story they fabricated in here but meh. On the plus side the effects were stunning and the story was engaging from start to finish. The costumes were also amazing. I want dresses like those!

2008, movies

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