holiday good deed

Dec 24, 2007 09:11

I forgot to post that I did a Christmas good deed on Friday night. As Andrea and I were going home after the concert we ran into these 3 teenagers, one of whom was totally smashed and was being taken home by her two friends. I gave them my water to try to help sober up their friend. Poor kid, we've all been there at some point but I'm sure she was really hurting on Saturday morning. Andrea pointed out that two years ago the city was all freaked out about SARS (except for me who thought the panic was ridiculous and who got a kick out of everyone who scored seats on the subway by faking a coughing fit) and now people are taking 3/4 full water bottles from strangers. At least I honestly was healthy, not even so much as a cold, so there was no harm going to come to her through that water.

Oh since most of you have been subjected to reading about the Passioneer Holiday Project on here for the past few weeks if you're interested in seeing how it turned out some pictures have started to be posted here: Passioneer Holiday Project thread

AND I managed to get a download of All I Want For Christmas because that is one of my favourite cheesy holiday movies and it was on the same night as the Friday Sarah Slean concert (no contest but I still missed my movie) so I'll have to burn that after work to take with me to my parent's house tonight so I can get my fill of cheesy Christmas specials before bed :)

passioneer holiday project, good deed, christmas, movies

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