Dec 17, 2007 11:28
Well the weekend was fantastic! Saturday was one of Mel's tshirt shindigs. Oh my goodness did the shirts ever turn out looking so good! I am so happy with how everything worked out. I can't wait to make more! ;)
After the shindig Tom, Jo and myself went to meet up with Sue downtown, I got happily buzzed on rasberry coolers :) All was well.
Sunday the snow storm was in full force. Everything looked so pretty. I totally skipped down my street to get to the subway. There was far less skipping when I had to walk to the grocery store and then to my parent's house, and by walk I mean trudge through knee deep snow. I've not done that since I was a kid! While the snow is not fun to shovel I think it looks great and I'm so excited that we might have a white Christmas this year.
Today I am oddly in a lot of pain and annoyance. Annoyance because I broke the cement off of the last wire that's on my teeth and so it's half coming off and I have to go to the orthodontist and get it reattached on Wednesday, 'til then it's going to drive me nuts. And suddenly today I find my stomach is killing me! No clue why. It feels like the stress stomach aches that I used to get (which the hospital kept thinking was appendicitus so that's about the level of pain) but I've not had one in years so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to actually be something serious because I have so much else that I want to do this week.