random weekend

Dec 02, 2007 20:32

I want THIS edition of Waitress, with pie recipes!!!!!!! Why is that only available in the US? :(

Also I was just linked by carolinga to a note from Tanya Huff HERE saying that two of the Blood Ties eps are only going to air online. I'm hoping that CityTV here runs all of them on television because if Lifetime puts them online I don't think people from outside of the US can watch them anyways :S I really liked this show. Frak. There had better be a DVD release!

And now for something a little more cheery, my weekend update ;) Yesterday I made fudge pretty much all day. Oh boy am I ever not exciting. But the good news was that it all set properly this year and tastes delicious :)

Today Jess and I went to see Sweeny Todd. Jo found us a discount on tickets and we ended up about 10th row orchestra for half price! Very sweet deal. I quite liked the show. I'd not seen it before and now I have no idea how the new movie version of it is going to work. While I love musicals as they were meant to be seen I think a lot of the lyrics are giong to have to be talked through so that the general audience can understand everything that's happening, it's a tricky show.

blood ties, waitress, sweeny todd, fudge

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