Firefly Marathon Shindig

Nov 25, 2007 21:43

Wow, you know it was a mighty fine shindig when it ends with breakfast at 6pm the next day ;)

This weekend one of our TO Browncoat memebers was generous enough to open up his home to us for a marathon of Firefly episodes/Serenity starting at noon on Saturday. I am so glad that I got to go to this one. It was a great many hours of Firefly (and really when is watching Firefly ever not fun?) and so great to spend that time with a room full of friends. Plus it's great to see the show marathon style like this because it's easier to catch things that are repeated, like the "lost in the woods" motif.

The show obviously rocked.
and I spent I think at least 1 full episode worth of time playing Bubble Bobble on a full sized arcade machine lol. I did some mystery shots and spent much of my evening with a nice buzz :) Around I think 2am those of us who were left had a snow fight outside, there is a lot more snow up there than there is in the city. At least enough that I was getting thrown into snow piles and not getting hurt. I can't wait to see the pictures from that :)

After that we played music videos, lots of Queen and many assorted others and had an improptu dance party... well some people did, I lasted about 2 songs then was ready to pass out lol. 4am they started playing Underworld II and I slept through most of that and around 5:30 said goodbye to two of the guys who decided they wanted to go home to sleep and I found a bed to pass out in for a few hours.

Sunday was mostly spent waking up lol. Tom, Anna and I drove back to TO around 5ish and Anna and I went out for breakfast before heading home... mmmm blueberry pancakes :)

Must pass out now, sooooooooooo tired.

shindig, serenity, browncoats, firefly

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