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Oct 18, 2007 09:47

I had a fabulous time at Four Sheets to the Wind screenint yesterday. For all BtVS/Angel fans, Christian Kane is in the film (which was a total surprise to me) and the selling point - he has his shirt off ;) The film should be out on DVD I think in January... buy it!

The movie is really very good. The pacing of the story kept my attention really well and the film itself is beautiful. I was watching and mentally making icons for many of the scenes. It was shot in 18 days and they accomplished so much in that short time. There are huge blockbuster movies that never manage to frame their shots so well.

I also was really impressed with the onscreen brother & sister relationship that Tamara and Cody portrayed. It was spot on for the older sister younger brother relationship.

Tamara was in town for the screening and she and the director, Sterlin Harjo, did a Q and A for the film. There also was a short film called "I'm Not the Indian You had in Mind" by Thomas King and he was there to answer questions as well. That's such a neat thing to have after the movie. I'm not a big question answer but I like hearing the neat tidbits that come up.

Jo and I couldn't stick around for the afterparty because I was being a suck and was trying to get into work for 7am today so afterparty was so not a good idea. But we did get to say hello to Tamara after the film. She's said she'll tour through TO when she has a new album out which is excellent. It sounds like for now she's more into the music scene in LA than the acting one.

We also saw Karen LeBlanc and Tricia Young briefly on our way out of the theatre and said hello. Karen may be doing another Sharron Matthews show in December. I hope she does, those cabarets are fun!

This morning I slept through my alarm though so I might has well have gone to the party, I woke up at 10 to 8 (I start work at 8) and was out of the door in 5 minutes flat. I hate waking up like that but at least I was only 15 minutes late. Tomorrow I may have to try for 2 hours early instead of 1.

christian kane, imaginenative, four sheets to the wind, rent, movie screening, tamara podemski

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