(no subject)

Jul 22, 2007 08:59

I was tagged by aamaleka_crone for this one

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

I suppose I'll tag: browncoat_2x2, eskimo_jo, thebitterguy, gonnashine, amy_vic, willow_kat and artemis_prime

1. I prefer to shower in the evenings so that when I wake up early enough to have time to myself in the morning I can check my email/LJ etc.

2. I am a fast reader, which currently means I have to be quiet for the next little while until more people finish the Harry Potter book ;)

3. My pinky fingers look as though they've been broken, they will not straighten all of the way. But I've never broken a bone in my life *knock wood*

4. Apparently (and this is a new fact about myself I just learned) I didn't walk until months after when I was supposed to. I'd been taken to the doctor and everything to see what could be done (they wanted to break and reset all of my toes - that part I did remember I just didn't know the reasoning behind it) and when I finally did get close to walking my dad took a week's vacation so he'd see my first steps and I didn't walk 'til the day he went back to work.

5. I will believe in almost anything unless it can be disproved.

6. I love giving presents to people :)

7. I tend to really like something or to dislike it, I don't have a lot of middle ground.


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