I am back in the land of the internet! I haven't caught up with LJ at all and probably won't tonight (I'm super exhausted) but I'll try to get caught up with everyone asap.
I had a fun week downtown, went swimming a lot with Jo and saw a really entertaining lesbian comedy act a which was hilarious and involved stripping gymnastics, a cirque du soleil routine and a trapeeze along with singing. It was not what I was expecting at all but it was a fantastic act!
I also caught up with a few old friends this week, so much easier to do when I'm not so far out of town. I'm excited to move somewhere closer to downtown than I am now :)
This weekend was absolute madness. I clocked about 3 hours on the TTC on Saturday between getting to the west end for groceries, east end for bday dinner (and presents of MANY Farscape DVDs!) with the family, and then back to my housesitting job.
Sunday was Mel's (annual?) tshirt making shindig and I'm going to cut that one because there are lots of pictures as well as stories.
Tom was generous enough to drive me to Mel's place (he was going to the shindid too of course) and we got there early in the afternoon after following Mel's superb driving directions. I think I spent the first hour or so just ooooh-ing and aahhhh-ing over the pretty shirts that had already been made/were being made. Then I realized we were running out of white and all of my shirts were planned to be light colours on dark backgrounds so I got somewhat worried, got directions from Mel to the art store and convinced Tom to drive me over (thankfully it wasn't too far) I found a huge tub of white and then was sidetracked by shiny shiny colours which I wasn't sure were going to work but I grabbed the gold one thinking it would work great on brown if it worked and we headed back to Mel's. The gold thankfully worked perfectly and I then decided I was doing the rest of my stuff in gold lol.
The first gold attempt, this is the back of a brown hoodie I bought :) It's looking a little purple in this picture but it's actually brown like the shirt below.
After realizing that gold goes good with brown in the way that pink goes good with green (name that reference anyone but Jo!) I went for my Mal/Inara design with it. Shiny!
A Serenity on a black shirt, Mel got some fantastic detail on this screen!
It wasn't all about Firefly, people were making other designs, notably Transformers, Marvel comics and Lost shirts were in the mix, and you all know that I can never pick just one favourite so I too deviated from Firefly/Serenity designs:
My Farscape tshirt front and back. This one will be saved for my Farscape movie viewing party next Saturday :)
I just wouldn't be me if I didn't get a Buffy one in there somehow. That symbol is one I've been tossing around as a tattoo idea but for now it's on a shirt *yay*
Kate took the Buffy logo to a new level of awesome and was inspired to put it on her jacket. I'm totally bringing my jean jacket next time!
This was done just at the end of the night on the back of my black tee of Serenity. Kevin tried one on a shirt and the logo worked. It's "Canadian Browncoats - leaf on a Northern wind" designed by Kate and then digitized by Ali. Kate AP this is not the one you wanted but we couldn't make work, this is the inverse of it.
As the day went on Mel's house looked like a tshirt factory:
So did the outside of her house:
Fantastic shindig. There are going to be some awesome shirts worn out to the next few shindigs and to the Serenity screening in June! I can't wait to see them all again.