(no subject)

Apr 07, 2007 22:54

To quote Farscape "I feel frelling terrible."

I had a lovely day for the most part today. Slept in, woke up actually half buried under pillows, odd sensation. Had a nice breakfast, went swimming at Jo's place, watched Foxfire chatted way too long as per usual ;) But in the last 10 minutes of my streetcar ride suddenly I started burning up and thought I was totally going to puke on the streetcar. Not fun at all, I kept it together enough to get home although I'm about 10 kinds of dizzy right now but about 2 minutes after I rushed in the door I felt much better. I'm still all shaky and dizzy though and my face is still completely white. No idea what the hell is wrong with me but this isn't a fun game at all. I think I'll just sleep now and hope I'm done whatever I'm doing by morning.


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