(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 22:11

I have my bus pass back! *yay* Tom found it in his car and brought it by tonight, fabulous! That makes the rest of my week so much easier now :)

In other news it was beautiful outside today!!!!!!! I think it's supposed to cool off again by next week so I went outside for lunch and enjoyed the weather while I could. Also, I didn't sunburn which is an accomplishment for me :)

My roommates' cat now apparently likes to sleep on my bed, this is new for him, for the past 9 months he's slept under my bed in a duffle bag, perhaps he didn't appreciate me moving stuff around there because now he's all snuggled up on one of my pillows, which is adorable so I approve ;)

In fandom news. Veronica Mars was given a lower chance at being renewed than 7th Heaven has. She has sunk below the Camdens, that's a definite sign of badness.
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