
Mar 27, 2007 17:36

This weekend if you're in Canada you should check out two of my favourite performers on TV :)

First Tamara Podemski is a presenter at the Aboriginal Achievement which will air March 31st at 8pm on Global.

Tamara also has a concert this Friday night *yay*

Secondly Sarah Slean's movie Black Widow will be on CBC Sunday April 1st at 1pm on CBC

sarah slean, tamara podemski

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Comments 9

raptorkitten March 27 2007, 21:48:27 UTC
I already have Black Widow penciled in my dayplanner so I don't forget to tape it. :)


elizalavelle March 27 2007, 22:38:04 UTC
Excellent! It's also coming out on DVD soon. I think it was supposed to be this month sometime but then there was a problem with song licensing I think so it's been pushed back.


murielle March 27 2007, 22:43:16 UTC
The movie sounds great. I will check it out.

Thanks for the heads-up.


elizalavelle March 28 2007, 02:08:30 UTC
Anytime, I like sharing Slean news :)


willow_kat March 28 2007, 04:17:02 UTC
Ooh, Black Widow looks like fun! I'll have to catch that ^_^


elizalavelle March 28 2007, 10:35:37 UTC
It is fun. I found it helps to be familiar with the story because it's a bit rushed but I like the music :)


willow_kat March 28 2007, 19:28:54 UTC
Well, it's film noir, which I love, so that can't hurt - but where would I go about learning more about it beforehand?


elizalavelle March 29 2007, 10:47:55 UTC
About the story itself or the movie version? The movie has most info up on their website (linked in post) the story it's based on is the true story of the 'torso' murder in Hamilton which I'd wager you know already but if not here's a summary: http://home.cogeco.ca/~mrcarle/evelyn.htm


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