(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 19:51

Today has been quite good :) I was going to try to get some laundry done this morning but the laundry room was full so I just relaxed, had a nice breakfast and went over to Jo's house for swimming. I took the way there that involves me walking for a good 15-20 minutes and took that way back so I had a nice 40 minute walk today and about an hour's swim :) I was so happy to be back in a pool again! I missed swimming!

I made it home in time to get a load of laundry done... or in this case half done, as whoever was using the other machines was taking FOREVER! When I went to put my clothes in the wash their stuff had been done on hot but the clothes sitting in the machine were stone cold so they'd just been sitting there for a while, but there was a machine free, it was the one that doesn't take all quarters so I had to go back upstairs to find a loonie but that was done quickly... but now I'm waiting for two people to finish with the dryers and both of them just have their stuff sitting in there, both dryers have been done for over half an hour, and everytime I checked back no one was their taking their stuff out. I gave up after the third time back there and just packed my stuff up and have it all on the drying wrack. On the plus side, half price laundry today ;)

Downside to the day is that I managed to lose my bus pass somewhere last night :( boo urns. At least it's the end of the month, it could have been worse.

Time for some Sunday night TV and then early to bed I hope :)

bus pass, random stuff, laundry

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