
Mar 22, 2007 19:13

browncoat_2x2 rocks my world! She bought me the very last copy of the Buffy comic at her local comic store. *SQUEE of geeker joy* So on Saturday I'll get to buy it and read it and be a huge Buffy geek ( Read more... )

zion, grey's anatomy, buffy comic

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Comments 6

avathebrat March 22 2007, 23:33:11 UTC
I found a copy today too! I looked up a couple comic stores near my work and went in this evening on the off chance that one would still have copies, and one did! They didn't have them on the shelf, I had to ask and the guy pulled a copy from a cabinet in the back. I guess they keep a hidden stash, lol. I was going to ask you if you wanted me to go back tomorrow and see if I could get you one, but I see I don't have to. Yay for Buffy comic-ness!


elizalavelle March 23 2007, 00:32:34 UTC
Aww thanks of thinking of me though! It's amazing how well it's sold everywhere :) Good to hear there's still a huge audience for it :)


avathebrat March 23 2007, 01:03:36 UTC
I wouldn't have even known it was out if it weren't for your posts about it. So I thank you for alerting me. Once you've read it we can discuss. :)


ozma914 March 23 2007, 12:46:44 UTC
Poor kitty ... cats hate having their routines and nesting places disrupted even more than I do. :-)

I still haven't gotten a chance to search for the new Buffy comic -- if I don't get to it soon, I might be out of luck.


elizalavelle March 23 2007, 20:49:01 UTC
I'm pretty sure a lot of online sites can go back a few issues so if you miss the first one you'll probably still be able to come across it somewhere... even Ebay once the fuss over the comic dies down and the price isn't too inflated :)


ozma914 March 27 2007, 05:36:18 UTC
JillyH2009 is going with friends down to Fort Wayne tomorrow, and I asked her to look for it while she's there. There are, sadly, no bookstores that sell new comics anywhere here in Noble County. Times have certainly changed from when I was collecting in the 80's ...


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