
Mar 22, 2007 09:17

It's going to be such a great warm spring day today! However of course this is the day my body has decided it's going to get the cold that's been going around work. Boo urns. I'm not sick yet so I'm taking vitamin C and everything to try to only get mildly sick. I'm already feeling somewhat foggy though which isn't good. I'm still making it to ( Read more... )

spring, thunderstorm, buffy comic

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Comments 7

browncoat_2x2 March 22 2007, 15:43:51 UTC
NO to the sick!! *pets*

I'll be coming to the Shindig this weekend now for sure too! Yay!

If you like, I'll try and stop by my local comic store tonight and see if they have any of the BtVS comic (season 8 issue 1, right?) and if they do, I'll grab you on (or a bunch if you want more) and bring it on Saturday :o) I might have a better chance out here, depending on if they ordered any or not...

And THUNDER!!! I dont' have any thunder here yet, at Bayview and Eglinton.. but I want a thunderstorm!! *hearts thunderstorms* Hopefully I'll get to see some of it!

Feel better darlin'!! *hugs, tea, and Choclate*


elizalavelle March 22 2007, 20:35:33 UTC
Thank you, I'm trying to stay healthy, I have no time to get sick right now.

Oooooh I just need one if they have them, and yes you have the right comic :) I'm wishing you luck with that find :)

We just had a little thunder... and then two power outages. The hell is up with that?! I'm looking forward to some great thunderstorms as the weather gets a little warmer, they're so fun!

Thanks again, I'm off to make some of that tea to keep me healthy!


ozma914 March 22 2007, 16:17:54 UTC
Sorry you're not feeling well. I guess that's part of spring, too -- but as I've often said, a bad spring is better than a good winter.


elizalavelle March 22 2007, 20:37:33 UTC
Thanks :) It's not even been a bad spring, just I'm surrounded by people who are really sick so I was bound to catch something eventually. I'm hoping that my immune system is going to be better than theirs though because some people at work have just sounded terrible, I'd like to be about half that sick if I have to get sick at all ;)


ozma914 March 24 2007, 06:43:27 UTC
Yes, we've all been surrounded by sick people, this year. My oldest daughter's been fighting off a nasty infection that got into her lungs for the better part of two months now, despite doses of antibiotics.


jacquelene March 22 2007, 18:07:31 UTC
I do love spring. Hooray!

A new Buffy comic? I should buy it for my sister - she's obsessed. Not that I blame her - such a good series. SUCH a good series.

Now - what is this shindig you speak of?


elizalavelle March 22 2007, 20:40:57 UTC
Apparently it's really good as well. This one I think is written by Joss and he's got a lot of the regular BtVS writers to come back to work on the comic season :)

Shindig's are what Firefly fans call their get-togethers. In TO we try for about one a month :)


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