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Feb 22, 2007 06:40

VM thoughts about “Mars, Bars”

I preface this by saying that I think I just lost a lot of faith in this show, ergo these aren't the nicest thoughts about the show. I'd like to keep the comments civil. Feel free to comment but please don't start flame wars. Thank you :)

Okay, when we cute up an episode title that much I think perhaps I should know not to watch. I feel that upon moving to the CW the new assumption is that the average viewer’s IQ has dropped 40 points. Why are they dumbing down my show? Honestly this episode put me to the point where I know I’ll watch out the season just to see how it all ends, but they haven’t got me back for next year unless they pull out something fabulous in the last few episodes.

I’ll go for the good stuff first:

Cliff! Cliff “does anybody care what I think” I DO! He’s a consistent character and still fun to watch. Big points for Cliff being in two episodes in a row J

Mac! They’ve found Mac again. And we had Mac and Wallace in the same episode. I think the Bermuda triangle that apparently swallows random people in Neptune has freed them both, and I approve :) I also approve because it seems to have eaten Piz. So not only is Mac back but we get to see more of her having a functional boyfriend… who totally played her in scoring an invite to crash for a few hours the morning after the scavenger hunt. But that was at least true to a typical College boy so I have to approve of that as well. It also is good to see her character finally taking big steps to recovering from the damage that was done to her last season.

Wallace… why was Wallace in the episode again? I miss his character, hello, plot lines, could Veronica at least ask him for a favour again? I love that his character is still there but dear Rob Thomas DO SOMETHING WITH HIM!!!!!!! His purpose was what exactly this week? He reminds us all that Lamb is/was an ass who enjoyed picking on scared kids and telling them to “go see the wizard” instead of actually doing his job and investigating what happened to them. Also he eats in the cafeteria with Veronica. That’s it, his soul purpose was to show us that Lamb wasn’t a nice guy and then to try to distract Veronica from being more mopey over Logan .

Weevil was there! Wait did we just have all 3 series "regulars" who I like appear in the same episode? Hell may have frozen over on Tuesday night....

Was there other good in this episode? No? okay then, we’ll move right along.

Let’s get the big one over with: Veronica. Oh Veronica, where did you go so wrong. She is so not smarter than me anymore. Heck I question if she’s smarter than Lamb anymore. If someone drops you off and then while their car is still there a suspected murderer grabs you perhaps it’s wise to scream and jump back into the car, or run after the car if it’s just pulling away. Calmly walking away with a slightly crazy person is not a good plan A. (nor a good plan B, C or D for that matter)

I was also majorly squicked out by her random yoga stretch she was doing while talking to her father from the jail cell. It was uncomfortably close to the “splitting the bamboo” move which really, no daughter EVER needs her father to see, EVER.

Her hair maintaining the perfect messy curl for what, 2 days in a cell, was a little unrealistic. I’d let it go because it’s TV, except we had to deal with the curls of doom for the first part of the season so I cannot let hair faults go any longer. She’s in jail, I doubt Lamb let her request her curling iron.

Speaking of jail, why is Veronica not phased by being in jail? I mean being arrested and kept in jail for a couple of days has to be somewhat shaking and oh, I don' t know, let's think about that F.B.I internship which she's become more passionate about since reading that the Dean recommended her... that just went out of the window. There's no way the F.B.I is giving an internship to someone who was arrested for assisting a suspected murderer escape from prison. An arrest like that would really screw up your future.

I don’t even think I can deal with any more thoughts about the L/V plot. It’s obvious Rob Thomas has been turning this into the Veronica and Logan show and really I liked it best as an ensemble piece and right now it’s driving me crazy. I love angst on TV (hello to my current Farscape obsession) but this isn’t even well done angst, it’s annoying. This is the same type of on-again off-again drama that Joss Whedon used for Buffy/Angel in season 3 of BtVS when he was trying to wean the viewers from the B/A relationship. Is Logan getting his own spin off? If that’s the case, and IF he will gain some shred of masculinity back for said spin off, I’ll forgive the crappy plot devices that have been employed in this ‘ship.

Let’s move on to Parker. Now I don’t really mind the Logan/Parker thing they’ve got working as I’m fully fed up with the LoVe ridiculous angst. BUT I don’t get why they keep doing things like this to the character of Parker. The writers had to spend the first half of the season convincing the viewers that Parker wasn’t a slut as she’d been portrayed in the first episode, and that she was really this great good hearted person. It worked, by Spit and Eggs I was totally not bothered by her anymore… so why would you make this seemingly wonderful person go after her roomate’s ex? She seems to be Veronica’s friend but that violates a big friend rule. ALWAYS ASK FIRST. *sigh* so she’s right back in the gutter for me. It’s not even that I dislike the character so much as I just don’t find much there to make me care what happens one way or the other.

Keith: I actually don't have many problems with Keith this week. I have problems with what will probably be his new plot development. The going theory is that now that he's Sheriff (wait I do have problems with that, we'll return to that issue) he and Veronica will now be at odds because her activities lately have become more and more illegal and he now will have a choice. Arrest her and screw up that father/daughter relationship which is one of the few good things left OR keep letting it slide and be a pretty sorry excuse for sheriff. Now let's return to HOW THE HELL IS THIS MAN SHERIFF!?!?! He lost the job because of the whole Lily Kane thing so first season (remember that season, back when this show rocked?) he was redeeming himself by solving her murder. Proving that he didn't screw up the job and did deserve to be Sheriff again. Second season (when the show was still great) he ran for Sheriff against Lamb. Public election, democracy and all that. He lost. So now Keith has been removed from the position and does not have the majority of public support and yet he gets to be Sheriff?! Shoudln't there be some sort of policy in place whereby there is a person designated to be Sheriff for a period of time while another election is run. Might not a better (and more believable plot) have been to NOW have Keith run to be Sheriff again and this time win? *sigh* I don't think this is going to go well at all.

Lamb: I'm not altogether sad that he's gone for a couple of reasons. 1. Michael Muhney has been playing to what the fans want all season and I get that some people love that, I don't. I want to see him actually act like the character he established, that has not been happening. Every time he came on screen lately I'd just roll my eyes, mutter "fan whore" and pray he had something simple to do. I'm sure he's a great great person in real life, people I know who have met him thought he was fantastic. LAMB is not supposed to be fantastic and for a while that wasn't coming across. They also completely led up to his death. The "I can handle this myself" insistance reminded me of the "I'll be right back" rule in a horror movie. As soon as he said it I wondered if they were killing him off in the episode. (I'd not been spoiled, I don't even watch the previews for next weeks episode anymore.) So while it was supposed to be all tense and suspenseful as he was in the house it really wasn't. I was just waiting for him to be killed. What happened to the show that was surprising?

I almost forgot to write about the lame Valentines day scavanger hunt. LAME! Also unsafe. What school event takes place during the week and appears to last at least 12 hours OVERNIGHT and ends with having the kids swim out in the ocean while they are sleep deprived and there is no lifeguard on duty? Hello potential law suit. Also what school event runs overnight on a school night when the students obviously have to make it to class the next day? I know most students skip, but still, wouldn't the school insist that such an event runs on a friday/saturday and doesn't involve a task that may drown you right at the end?

MotW: I also almost forgot we had one of these this week. Totally not a good stand alone plot AND hello to Viv’s awesome method of guessing the guilty suspect. Choose the most random person. Try it, it works. I picked out the Asst. coach last week as he’d not been mentioned at all and I figured that was a clue in itself these days. So that’s who I went with. I didn’t guess the brain cancer as that’s about as predictable as coma!baby was but I still count myself as right since when it comes down to it the asst. coach did do it. Do I care, meh. Do I care that Veronica is again aiding felons? No. Has she learned to cover her tracks (laminator machine left on)? No. These MotW just show that Veronica really has lost intelligence since beginning her higher education. Is that the hidden lesson here? College kills brain cells?

Who killed the Dean: .... who cares? My guesses are still his son or Duncan (because Duncan will always be guilty.) But this plot really only serves to keep Weevil on screen (which I like) but in terms of mystery it's still not grabbed me.

That's all for now.

veronica mars, review, mars bars

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