(no subject)

Feb 03, 2007 00:43

Just got home from seeing Tamara Podemski play a gig at Old Fort York. Which is a lovely little piece of Toronto history which I'd never seen before. Of course it was freaking freezing so I didn't spend time seeing much, perhaps when it's warm. It was an odd sort of night but good. Actually this is the first show of hers that I've been to that I FINALLY didn't feel anxious about being there. She played a good set with one of the songs from her Spirit Voices album which Jo and I each bought a copy of so *yay* I was also glad to be able to say congratulations to Tamara for her Sundance Festival win in person instead of emailing it. So this show had good timing. Although, had the Sarah Slean Kingston gig actually happened then I'd have been there missing this night. So perhaps that turned out well then :)

Karen LeBlanc was there as well, she's going to be singing a couple of songs on the 12th at the Gladstone... I'm very much considering going, I'd love to hear her sing again. It's just interesting to see where our Canadian RENT cast members have ended up. I really was so young when I was seeing the show here and just was in awe of all of them, and now almost 9 years later it's just so neat to be able to still see them perform and to see how everyone has evolved as performers. It's a little bizarre :)

So aside from the FREEZING weather and the long long waits for streetcars it was a good night. I'm glad I let Jo talk me into going :) I'm now starving (too nervous to eat much before I left, oops) but I'm cold and sleepy and I think I'm just going to bed.

rent, tamara podemski, concerts

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