Clearly I confuse myself far too easily. When I left work today I was fully aware that it was Wednesday. Then as I was shopping for tiny travel things for Kingston (my attempt at packing light begins with packing small) somehow my brain decided that it was Grey's Anatomy night which would make it Thursday. Nomi had to correct me when I was all excited for the new episode.
In other news I have a myspace (I know, I caved!) but I'm not sure what to use it for yet...
Anyways, for those who are interested I am here: I don't really want to blog about life in there because I have that option here already.... so I have no clue what to put there.
Oh and I've been making icons again :) Icon journal is here:
rage_my_darling currently I'm in the midst of a BtVS centric project, but there should be a variety of subjects being posted soonish :)
And that's my self promotion ;)
In other news I feel I should give the show Farscape a go. So many people say how amazing it is, that can be something else to work on this year :) Oh that and I sat down this week and FINALLY watched my first full episode of How I Met Your Mother and it's one of the funnier things I've seen :) I may have to one day pick up the first season on DVD for fun :) Hello Vortex, make it happen ;)