Spoilery thoughts on Veronica Mars 'President Evil'
Why was Wallace even in this episode? Okay, I love his character... or I did until he was dumb enough to cheat that badly. Oh Wallace has two years with Veronica Mars not taught you how to sneak properly? Going from failing to an A and being noticibly the first person in class to finish the test is not smart. Go for a C and appear to struggle with it until the last minute, bonus points if you can leave eraser smudges all over the multiple choice answer sheet. Also, I don't know what it's like in American schools but in Canadian Universities often the deal is if you get caught cheating like that you're out on your ass, not only are you expelled from your University but no other school in the country is supposed to admit you for the next 4 years. Perhaps Wallace missed that information at the same time as Dick missed being told that the 5 minute rule is a complete myth.
Also, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING?!?!? what kid on a basketball scholorship has time for a major like that. I know people taking Engineering, it's a VERY heavy course load, which doesn't leave room for playing on a school sports team when you have to keep your game up or lose your scholarship. And when did Wallace decide that what he wanted to do with his life was be a mechanical engineer? When he was building spirit boxes to keep eggs from breaking.... and then didn't win that challenge. Is something you fail at really what you should be majoring in at University?
That rant aside let's go to something good for a moment, the return of both Cliff and Backup!
Cliff and his voiceovers just killed me the entire time! Could he become Keith's new secretary? Because that's a show I'd pay to watch!
Also much much Backup! How fun is it that the guys Veronica knows are no longer threatened by Backup? Logan in Season One, now Weevil.
Speaking of which Weevil is becoming the new Logan "Veronica Mars has accused me of evil" type of character. It's bizzare, if Weevil becomes Logan does Logan become Duncan? Because I am not at all cool with that progression of characters.
And moving on, let's go with some actual plot, first up the on campus mystery of the week: robbery at the student gambling ring. First of all, no shit that the security, whom you keep openly calling "rent a cops" aren't too helpful when they already told you to shut down. Regardless of the fact they were the robbers in the end, even if they hadn't been they had no obligation to help solve anything. Of course this also shows how inefficient security is on any given campus. If they closed the place down did they never check back again to see that it wasn't actually closed? I'm assuming that not all of the guards were in on the dumb robbing plan.
Oh and the daughter of the security guard is going to be a holy terror when she's a teenager. I see kids like that and parents who think they're so smart and funny when they're young and know that the revenge will come later when their own creation turns on them.
Side note, I really didn't like Lamb at all in this episode, I liked him but it was just so over the top and hamming it up that I felt like I was watching a different character. But I will say there was a massive amount of HoYay in this episode, Lamb appeared to want everyone, I think he's been reading fanfic ;)
On to the off campus mystery of the week: cancer boy. Very sad story, I get it. The Dean really is a good dad (aside from you know trying to expell someone for absolutely nothing and being dumb enough to believe that the evil feminists trashed his car) blah blah blah, he lied to Keith, I'm shocked... or you know, not shocked at all. It was just kind of one of those nice little plots designed to probably eliminate him as being the Hurst Rapist. Afterall, he's an ass but he has now been shown to be highly devoted to his family, that surely will make him a good person. Meh.
And on that note, what's up with that Claire girl denying she knows her own boyfriend?! Perhaps she was used to draw other girls in, most women will ultimately trust another woman and can get hurt that way because you think less about attack if some woman asks you for directions etc. But she had to have it appear that she was raped in order to keep suspicion away from her.... Of course there's always the idea that Duncan did it. C'mon, someone has to be warming up to that idea by now ;)
and a brief rant about the preview for next week.... generic rant, no real spoilers but just in case...
Why are all of the previews about Logan and Veronica? Nothing about the plot of the rest of the show, no teasers for you know, an actual mystery. Just the inevidible, will they break up or not? Newsflash, of course they will, this is TV, then they will get back together later, that's how this works.
And scene.