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Oct 12, 2006 23:39

Some thoughts on Veronica Mars episode 2: My Big Fat Greek Rush Week

Lamb pisses me off like woah. Viv and I kept trying to figure out why he just seems to hate rape victems. The going theory is that perhaps some girl called rape on him when he was innocent thus leaving him thinking that every girl is a liar when it comes to such things. It makes me a little ill seeing as how it's people like him who are part of the reason rapes don't get reported.

Anywho, Lamb is a breath away from his trademark "go see the wizard" when he gets himself an early Christmas present and Veronica walks into taking the blame for not stopping Parker's rape. Ummm wtf!? If I walked into a room where people were having sex, hear noises of sex and a buzzing I do not assume that someone's playing evil barber in the next bed, I assume vibrator and get the hell out. It's University residence, you'd think the rapist would just learn to put a scrunchie or a sock on the door knob and that way pretty much ensure he doesn't get walked in on ever.

And Parker... she just bugs me. Yes your parents say you're too immature to be away at school and suddenly we're supposed to feel sorry for you? No no no, if you tend to be working your way through the campus population at the rate of a guy a night then yes, you may be too immature to be away at school. Does this mean that you deserve to be raped? Hell no. Does this mean that perhaps you have some self control issues to work through? Perhaps. At any rate her blaming Veronica for not stopping the rapist when had it been any other night with any other guy she'd have been freaking out at Veronica for walking in and interrupting is just not justified.

And I'll just stop that ranting there.

Onto the newspaper job plotline, very amusing. I loved seeing Veronica have to try to blend into sorority life, although her claiming it was going to be hard was a little far fetched. I mean she was friends with the 09ers, wasn't that group like the sorority and frat house pledges in waiting? (enter Dick as example A.) The fake drunkness was pretty much dead on with stupid drunk frosh. I have a feeling this entire season is going to be bringing back buried memories of first year lol. However my residence wasn't much for the "safe ride" aspect of the evening so that was new. I love how when the girl realizes that Veronica really is sober she just drops her in the middle of campus... not so safe actually with, you know, the Hurst Rapist wandering around. Best ride home program ever.

While I don't know much about sororities at all I actually liked seeing that in the end, aside from some highly annoying girls, this one wasn't all evil. Although you'd think that perhaps the Den Mother could have grown her pot at home... or does she live in the house? Do adults live in sorority houses with the students? That would not encourage me to join... But in the end you feel genuinely badly for them. Nice plot twist Rob Thomas, well played.

The psychology experiment was intense. After the initial moment of "OMG Rider Strong I loved him when I was 12!" I fast adjusted to his role of obligitory jack psychotic jack ass (someone has to do it while Logan is being adorable) and learned to hate him. Also why don't these teen stars age? I mean VM has shown us Zachary Ty Brian and JTT and now Rider Strong and they all pretty much looked just how I remembered them from when I was a kid watching them on tv.... excepting JTT who for some reason was sporting a mullet in first season.... anyways, what's up with the stars from Bop magazine?

Back on point, the experiment. I don't know that in reality a first year class would be allowed to work on something that intense, especially at the beginning of the school year. The introduction of the idea that one doesn't really know how far they'd go if they were put into a particular situation is a good one to introduce, dropping the kids into that situation not so much. Shouldn't they have done some basic psych screening first... you know, not made someone who was very close to jail time have to play the role of a prisoner... little things like that. But I loved that Wallace was the one to pull of the win. He should bake Veronica a whole spirit box of snickerdoodles because clearly his time with her helped out with that one. Perhaps Logan needs a "Wallace Fennel is smarter than me" tshirt ;)

Oh and the obligatory comment: Logan streaking = yum. That can be a weekly event. I'm so very glad he's started to go to class if that's the pay off we're going to get :)

And lastly, because I think of it lastly, the Keith storyline... which has apparently wrapped up, phew. I mean I followed what was going on. Was saddened that they've killed off Kendall (maybe... we saw no body) and wanted Keith to stay alive. But I didn't for a minute think they'd kill him off in some meh plot that no one really seemed invested in. Also they didn't have him live through the finale last year just to kill him 2 episodes in. So there was no really worry for the character, ergo not a lot of investment in that plot. I feel badly that he feels badly but hullo, leaving the travel papers in the car? Not checking that suitcase after Vinnie was looking in it? Keith did not bring his 'A' game to this one anyways.

Although it was nice to see what was in the suitcase and I always approve of art, that is a crafty way to hide your money :)

I'll leave you with my list of guesses for the Hurst Rapist (because somewhere in here I'll get it right by sheer volume if nothing else ;) )
Rapist guesses,

creepy fraking RA: He has access to the rooms (in every res I've known the RA's have access to the master keys)

Safe ride girl: Would be a huge twist if the rapist were a girl who was using the rapes to take a stand against girls who are living a lifestyle which she doesn't approve of.

criminology TA: Because he was introduced as being somewhat creepy already.

Duncan: Because I say he's guilty of pretty much everything. One day I'll be right with him as well I tell you!

veronica mars, review

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